Saturday, November 17, 2018

Guaran Tease

I GUARANTEE you Gize, when Fortin was in the Temple with me he had NO "plan" to get to Poland and lead the Eastern Bloc to Zen Buddhist Sword Glory.  When Gallogly and I were living in Barbara Manor, he had NO conception of his FOUR-TIME  Immaculate Conceptions.  Listen Kidz, LIFE DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY !!!!

There ARE, however, True Individuals that can actually SEE their Fate, Karma and Destiny(s) with LASER BEAM INTENT-SITY, and attend to their private executions with DEVOTED SAGACITY.  Their lives parallel, in one sense, the lives of Child Prodigies, whose Past Lifetimes have ASSURED them GUARNATEED COSMIC FAVOR within their chosen Discipline.  They are Blessed indeed.

For the rest of Us, ours is to be cloaked by layers of dirty Karma, Karma that MUST be cleansed, like sins that MUST be expiated, in order for our Destinies to be revealed, for Heaven to give us out Purpose.

In the meantime, when God sends you a Boulder Buster, then, by ALL and ANY Means, start Busting Boulders.  This Ritual Activity, and that of Day-to-Day Callings, act as a preparatory medium that will provide foundation for your Cosmic Relevance.

"Have in your hold, the Great Image, and the Empire will come to you."

Believe it.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

HILTI Skillty

During A Way Long Time Ago I tried to figure HOW Marc, David and I were connected, like, in Past Lifetimes, an' junk.  Marc and David are POLAR Opposites, and my Bi-Polar-ism allows me to polar bear both of their Existences with UTMOST Reverence.  Marc has already built THREE Zen Buddhist Temples, has a FLOURISHING Martial Arts Garden AND he and his Family have just returned from Poland where he and his gave lectures and demos for the Salvation of Eastern Bloc Zen Swords'men Wanna-bees.  PLUS Marc has his own Zen Garden and Zen Landscapes business.  He is a Boulder Buster.

While running Boston with Mayor Menino, Gallogs raised FOUR KAPPA Daughters who are currently transforming the Nation as Ireland origined Educators.  Gallogs is presently overseeing the Repair and Reconstruction of his Religion Structure. 

I do twitter and rite blogs.

Somebody shoot me.

I always figured to be famous for writing about THEM.

I have the Myth in drafts.  But ------------I'm lazy.

The Catcher With The Wry

Back in The Day, the hottest question was "What is the MEANING of Life ?"  Only mental Heavy-Weights bothered to burden themselves with such esotericism.  Answers ranged from "Life HAS no Meaning" to "The Service to God"---then, Nietzsche had to go and kill God making Life devoid of Meaning, which was OK for nihilists and hedonists for that matter, but left the Rest of us scratching our heads.  We were left with, the Meaning of Life is to Fuck all we can and Die.  Cruelly unattractive at best, at worst, funny and urbane. 

These days we struggle with, "What is the PURPOSE of Life ?"  I have a rough time figuring if IT is any better.  It does, however, suit ME. The Purpose in MY Life is to inform, console and Guide.  I warned you Kidz, I'm the Catcher With The Wry.  You'd think that THAT "would be enough", Ultimate WORLD Salvation ain't for the feint of Heart, and I'm FEARLESS when it comes to sitting on my fat fucking ass contriving vituperative dissonance with which to beat and batter pernicious plutocrats.  I'm GREAT at doing nothing !

If only I could generate a fortune by ACTUALLY doing nothing !

Woe is me.

Bolder or Bust

We still gotta traverse some territory we set foot on yesterday.  I began our trek with a spurious, What happens when God sends you a HILTI TE-56 Hammer Drill and a Yashica 35mm Camera, a one you've wanted your entire adult Life ? 

I gotta take things back to their Source.  Besides writing poetry I always figured that my ritual reveries afforded access to an artists camera-atic vision.  My High School classmate Rob Shields won the Newport Art Festival during our Friendship Before Got Married.  I knew my way around his cameras, enlarger and dark room.  So there was that. 

The Larger Question has Cosmic Ramifications.  Somewhere, somehow I ALWAYS felt that the Universe had something Significant for me "To Do".  Don't misunderstand, when I was a t U.Conn. ALL I wanted to do was get my Degree and Bail Out into Reality.  It wasn't until I had the Meeting With The Invisible Messenger that I felt the Universe had rescued me so that I could execute Cosmic Decree.  Thing is, WTF was that Decree ?

That's where I am rite now, in La-La Land where I have UNLIMITED URGENCY to devise Some Sort of Artistic Agenda, be it of the Martial Arts or Writing Folk Tales, Fairy Tales, Fables and/or Camera-ing.

I suffer from "Grandma Moses" Urgency.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Whipped Scream

I "found" the text at the Town Dump.  I shit you not.  It was in the Town Dump's Free Library, an UN-electrified, (NO LIGHTS) concrete-block-what-looked-to-be-an-old- Milk House-type structure.  I almost feinted from whipped cream delight.  Here now my beloved Perceval, Tristan & Isolt, Sir Gawain & the Green Knight, and of course who cold forget Aucassin & Nicolete ?  Well ME, me forget.  I had to ask myself WHY the Universe saw fit to "Send" me those Romances.  And WHY the Dump ??? ! ?

Listen Kidz, in AA there is a chilling caution, "Be careful what you wish for".  It means that once you wish for something, it is ALREADY "on its way".  When I just TOUCHED the anthology I was FLOODED with Romance Whimsy and nauseous vicissitudes.  I had survived Jambec and his Damsels by sheer love of learning.  I suffered and suffered greatly.  Where I had hoped for a B only a strong C came my wayward way.  But THAT ain't the point.

The Point was the book, I had asked and had Received.  It scared me then, terrifies me now.

Secret Manifestations

So one time in the Secrets and Manifestations Realm I had "Sent Out" for an anthology titled Medieval Romances, a Required text for Dr. Jambec's Medieval Romance Course, you may recall I described that Course in one of my Earlier-est Blogs because I was the ONLY Male in that SEA of FEMALE Jambec Devotion-ists. the Class was in the School of Education, a Place where Future Teachers of America wore heels, skirts and blouses DESPITE Storrs's sometimes ARCTIC Climate.  These chicks were gonna teach Common Sense ? ! ???  I don't think so.   But nonetheless there I had to be.  I recall getting to the first class EARLY so I could grab a desk next to the windows.  When I arrived the room REEKED of perfumes.  The place was PACKED.  Jambec WAS ALREADY AT HIS DESK shuffling papers.  I was psychotic.  I had to pass in front of him in front of the class to get to the only window lounge-desk I sorely needed.

As I passed in front he did NOT look up, I heard him whisper, "Mister DeSilva" not "Good morning Mister DeSilva" --- just "Mister DeSilva".  He OBVIOUSLY knew I was in his class and that I WAS THE ON LY MALE.  It weirded me out.  I slunk to my window like skank-ass no-know hobo.

The guy who could fly 50 yards.

The story titled "Seeking Yashica" SHOULD begin with "Once upon a time in the Mind-Light Temple".  I mean, like, I WISH it could begin "like that".  With THAT title I could describe Student Fortin as moving around the Zendo floor wielding Camera, as similar to Dave Gallogly's almost spiritual GRACE on Ice when he wields Hockey Stick.  Ya know Kidz, you can forgive Gallogly for being so fucking GREAT because he went to La Salle Academy where Hockey RULES.  With Fortin and his camera, it just pissed me the fuck OFF.  Fortin was GREAT at everything except Humility.  When I went to compliment him on his camera he just shrugged it off with Tabor Academy condescending hostility, as if to imply, "What the fuck do YOU know about cameras ?"  I didn't shrug it off ---Fortin could infuriate me like no other human being, he was THAT good.  Somehow through all his bullshit vomit he MAY have spat, "All you need is a Yashica."  DECADES later . . .

But that AIN'T the title. 

By the way. I can do the swimming stroke "Butterfly" for 50 yards.  In swimming vernacular, Butterfly, is reduced to "Fly"---hence the above title.

I just wanted to brag.....

...max-out to the HILT-I...

I felt it would be adorably clever to preface a question with, We KNOW God wants us to make lemonade when He "gives" ( or sends ) us lemons - - - and then to query =  but what is SUPPOSE to happen when he sends us a "Hilti" TE-56 [Super-Professional] IDUSTRIAL SIZE Hammer-Drill along with a "Makita" [Super-Professional] INDUSTRIAL SIZE Angle Grinder with 2 Stone Grinding Wheels AND a 40 pound bag of MAGIC BOULDER BUSTER DUST ? ! ? ! ???  And WOULD that it were to be just THAT.

In the Tao Te Ching Lao Tzu codes,
"Never allow yourself to have desires
  In order to observe Its Secrets.
  But always allow yourself to have desires
  In order to observe Its Manifestations."

Supposedly we are allowed to "Send Out" as my Hero Ken Kesey once described in his Sometimes A Great Notion.  Thing is, you gotta "Send Out", ASK for Stuff, with a Clear Mind and a Pure Heart, otherwise it's just selfish Egoism that denies a Spirituality that REWARDS abject Humility.  Interestingly, Getting What You Desire MAY or MAY NOT take YEARS, even DECADES. 

So now here comes the tale of "Seeking Yashica".

Messyironic Skull-Sluggery

I'm writing today our of Guilt, Unworthiness, Sluggery, (that's the Art of Being a Slug), and because I CAN'T go outside to task the property because THERE'S SNOW ON THE GROUND and technically WINTER HAS ARRIVED.  There's also the deal that I have a NEW eye.  Yesterday Dr. David Rivera ultrasounded my cataract, vacuumed it, and then inserted a lens that made my vision 20-20.  For the first time in my LIFE I can see.  Come to discover, the World AIN'T dingy and moldy, it's bizarrely CLEAN and BRITE.  But that ain't why I'm here doing this NOW. 

I missed Marc Fortin's Birthday cuz I was so fucked-up with the Mess of Life that is the OPPOSITE of Messianic - - - Messy-Ironic is a better grasp.  I USED-TO miss Dave Gallogly's Birthday cuz I had HIM set-up to take on my Son-I've-Only-Seen-Once's Birthday which is August 14th.  Dave's is August FOURTH.  I'm completely "no-good" with Names, when it comes to B-days "4-ged-about-it".  It ain't like some folks who are born on Christmas Day, like my father was.  How you gonna forget THAT ?

I have some Urgency which I must expound --- today's the Day.


Hey Kidz ---  I know it's been eleven days since my last confession and it's time to kneel before you guys and dolls (while I'm sitting on my ass) and to get you updated on the Comings and Goings of Grampa Whole Ass.  My "selfs" have been scattered because of my volcanic activity --- you wanna believe that I can get and KEEP my shit together but that's warm yak shit and cool camel drool.  You Gize KNOW I pride myself on my ability to STAY Insane, Insanity being the hall mark and floor register of "Outside the System".  But sometimes my supposed "Diamond" Mind gets faceted and returned to nothing more than lumps of coal, not even anthracite but bituminous, the soft and shitty kind.  It seems that Prevailing Pressure subverts the authenticity of Pure Intent, reducing it to Escapist Cynicism and NOT the Good Kind either.

My make believe "job" is to render perceptual fat into viable Essence, meaning, the Contaminated Sensory Bombardment we experience through Media Artillery MUST be "reduced" from GIGANTIC interpersonal ex-PLOSIONS, to bite-size assimilation-al morsels.  When Information is "weaponized" it is necessary to provide a protective filtration system that diminished its af-fects and ef-fects.

Thing with me is, sometimes the bombs "done blowed me the fuck UP".  Frustration, (in me), begets a Fury over which I lose control.  I can't THINK when I get fucked-up.  The Media Explosions, trump's relentless Sensory Invasion, destructions a Chaos where Confusion blinds us from ANY Location of Reason, Pure Sight, and True Sound.

By the time the dust settles and the smoke clears, eleven days have transpired.

Monday, November 5, 2018


One of my Psychology HEROES quoted himself by formalizing, "You can judge a man by the amount of Suffering he has endured." 

The catastrophic underpinning of Martial Arts AIN'T "Discipline" it's SACRIFICE.  If you want to get ANYWHERE in the Arts you gotta SACRIFICE.  That's all there iz PERIOD [ . ]

THIS is where Ideology confronts REALITY.

This is the problem-as-solution when viewing both trump and the Hag - - -  In their lives THEY HAVE HAD TO SACRIFICE NOTHING !!!!  All things have been GIVEN them by their Parents, Teachers and Business Others.  THEY HAVE NOT EXPERIENCED OUR SUFFERING !  How could they have ?

How can WE, those of us that have known and LIVED by Sacrifice, trust THEM to hold OUR Values as Sacrosanct ? 

Clearly, we CAN'T !!!!

I ain't gonna ask my fellow Citizens for Much, I'm gonna ask them to, for one day, SACRIFICE their time and go and Vote.

If Voting is as close as we get to being HEROIC then BE BRAVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rock steady.......steady as We go....

Woe as Rampage

Trump tells "The Tale of Woe and Rampage" which claims America is War-beset by Fury-driven Journalists and a Raging Mob of Democrats incensed by Liberal Utopianism.  Republicans are CONTENT with animalizing CHILDREN into Cages while Democrats want to feed, clothe, home and educate those same CHILDREN. 

Which Story do you want to believe ? 

I've asked myself and members of my Group [One Flower Zen] what would be the nature of Zen Buddhist Politics. 

The answer that surfaced, at least on my end, was based upon Simplicity as PURITY. 
It has been recorded, "Hungry ?  Eat, Thirsty ?  Drink."  Democrats have missed this Purity by thousands of Light Years.  The Democratic Story SHOULD be based upon Kitchen Table Ideology.  "Charity begins at HOME" but spreads to Community AS IT MUST !!! 

Republicans have DENIED their OBLIGATION to PAY THEIR TAXES.  Their Story is "The BIG Bad Wolf Who Guards The Hen House". 

Republicans figure WE OWE THEM for being "Around". 

When they get hungry they slaughter and butcher US. 

As if that ain't enough, they want to be PAID for killing and eating US.

That's some story.


Listen Kidz, Democracy devoid of Humanism AIN'T "Democracy" at all - - -  it's De-MOCK-rat-see.   My Guy and HERO Arnold Toynbee reconfigured Reality with Capitalism devoid of Democracy becomes a merciless Mercantilism .  American Democracy is foundationed upon Capitalism.  A Recent BIG Brain hallowed, "Capitalism has failed America" as if WE are the CAUSE of Capitalism, I mean, we ARE, only in that Capitalism is a HUMAN Abstract Conception --- the thing itself is subject to Manipulation.   Suppose Democracy had as its Foundation, Socialism ?   suppose Capitalism had Socialist Components that GUARANTEED "Competition".  Gallogly et al have presented the failure of Capitalism because of the Lack of Competition.  In order for Capitalism to be HEALTHY it NEEDS Competition.  No competition means Capitalism becomes BLOATED by eating itself.  Prices DO NOT reflect Health but DO reflect the filth and squalor of Gluttonistic Damn-Nation.  The Nation be DAMNED.  

Here's my Story.  Trump ain't Human.  Our Nation is Damned.

The Barbarian Bewilder-beast

I DIDN'T "Set my clocks BACK" because I WANTED to RE-LIVE that HOUR.  Psychologists refer to "it" as "Magical Thinking", the kind and sort of Liddle Kidz, who don't know shit about Reality and DON'T CARE TO KNOW.  I don't EXACTLY live in Magical Thinking Land but I vacation there FREQUENTLY.  I'm no good with Reality - - - but here's the Deal with THAT - - - guy's like trump deal in Reality MANIPULATION.  Above all else, trump MANIPULATES Reality in order to suit his "just now" needs, and these "Needs" are a plethora of Horror and Terror. 

Trump Magic thinks that just by "tweeting" he can "run" a Nation.  Trump treats the Armed Forces as TOYS.  Soldiers are his TOY Soldiers.  Trump can't "see" he is a Hitler Wanna-be.  When trump looks into the Hitler Mirror he CAN'T see himself, Vampires can't see themselves in ANY mirror, (Mythology as Revelation) - - - I'm jus' sayin'.

What's-her-first-name Kearns Crone-Sages that "The Guy Who Tells The Story Of The Nations LEADS The Nation."  She directs our attention to the "Story" told by trump and how IT is "leading" our Nation.  You can see the problem.  Trump is a madman.

For me, trump is the Engineer on the Crazy Train and he's "leading" us into The Acme Tunnel painted on the mountainside by Wile E. Coyote.

Catastrophe awaits our Power Addicted "Casey Jones".

Kearns catastrophes, "The Democrats don't have a Story".

All they have are Dreams, Fantasies and Phantasmagoria.

Cultural Humanism

With So Much at stake in tomorrow's Midterm Elections, you'd think I'd be all hepped-up to Proclamize some sort of Pericles-ian Exhortation, a One that would MOVE an ENTIRE Nation toward Political SANITY.  Ya know Kidz, I gots the ABILITY I just don't got the TALENT.  Clearly, with the END OF THE WORLD at hand, this is NO TIME to lay out my plans to dis-arm my War Wagon and build, not one, but TWO new storage "areas" for my Harley and the Cement Mixer.  The Story of My  Micro-Mini Green Board lies in wait, like a cat in comatose THREAT.  I KNOW where I want it, I just don't KNOW if THAT Place is the PERFECT Place, because it will be on the Cellar Door, and therefore will swing open and swing shut.  All that swinging ------  I don't know if I can handle it.

I had visions of pumpkin heads abounding in my filed of schemes.  I had plans to empty my Book of Revelations of all the "Trump-is" and "Trump is like" scratches, scrawls and skitterings so you Kidz can have ammunition to berate your Friends and Family Members, those of the Walking Brain Dead who single issue Sanity DEFIANCE, the Those that think a vote for trump DOES NOT bind them to the Sub-Human CRUELTY and Perversional Criminality that manifests as Trumpunism. 

I say, ask your Female Friends and Family Members if they are ready to have their vulvas violated by trump's paw.  I say, ask your Friends and Family Members WHY they voted to treat CHILDREN as WILD ANIMALS, and Journalists as ENEMIES OF THE STATE !!!!  

I say, a Vote for ANY republican is Vote to END American Life As We Know It.

Republicans can no longer claim ANY aspect of Cultural Humanism.

The Toilet Tissue Issue

I'm all messed up.  I don't know what I should describe, my inability to adjust to the
"new" "Time", what we call in America, "returning to Eastern STANDARD Time", which advents the GAIN of an ENTIRE Hour ---  OR --- my inability to locate the rite size Allen's Wrench so I can remove a toilet-roll-holding-fixture that is driving me BERSERK !!!

I have, like, 100,000,000,000 million ZILLION Allen's Wrenches.  I have many several THOUSANDS in clear plastic containers BUT NOT THE SIZE I NEED.  It's a "Dog Gone It" situation, "Oh where oh where has my little dog gone, oh where oh where can he be ?"  I vacillate from making a "hard target search", to wanting to C-4 the entire Tools Museum. 

I must keep reminding my Ego/Self, "This ain't Life or Death"  but I gotta confess Kidz ,

IT'S LIFE OR DEATH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The toilet-tissue-roll-holding-fixture is where it needs to be, rite beside the toilet, but it's in the WORNG space for ME !  See what I did there ?  I spelled Wrong wrong by spelling is W-O-R-N-G ! 

I need professional help ----  SERIOUS Professional HELP.