Friday, November 16, 2018

Whipped Scream

I "found" the text at the Town Dump.  I shit you not.  It was in the Town Dump's Free Library, an UN-electrified, (NO LIGHTS) concrete-block-what-looked-to-be-an-old- Milk House-type structure.  I almost feinted from whipped cream delight.  Here now my beloved Perceval, Tristan & Isolt, Sir Gawain & the Green Knight, and of course who cold forget Aucassin & Nicolete ?  Well ME, me forget.  I had to ask myself WHY the Universe saw fit to "Send" me those Romances.  And WHY the Dump ??? ! ?

Listen Kidz, in AA there is a chilling caution, "Be careful what you wish for".  It means that once you wish for something, it is ALREADY "on its way".  When I just TOUCHED the anthology I was FLOODED with Romance Whimsy and nauseous vicissitudes.  I had survived Jambec and his Damsels by sheer love of learning.  I suffered and suffered greatly.  Where I had hoped for a B only a strong C came my wayward way.  But THAT ain't the point.

The Point was the book, I had asked and had Received.  It scared me then, terrifies me now.

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