Friday, November 16, 2018

Secret Manifestations

So one time in the Secrets and Manifestations Realm I had "Sent Out" for an anthology titled Medieval Romances, a Required text for Dr. Jambec's Medieval Romance Course, you may recall I described that Course in one of my Earlier-est Blogs because I was the ONLY Male in that SEA of FEMALE Jambec Devotion-ists. the Class was in the School of Education, a Place where Future Teachers of America wore heels, skirts and blouses DESPITE Storrs's sometimes ARCTIC Climate.  These chicks were gonna teach Common Sense ? ! ???  I don't think so.   But nonetheless there I had to be.  I recall getting to the first class EARLY so I could grab a desk next to the windows.  When I arrived the room REEKED of perfumes.  The place was PACKED.  Jambec WAS ALREADY AT HIS DESK shuffling papers.  I was psychotic.  I had to pass in front of him in front of the class to get to the only window lounge-desk I sorely needed.

As I passed in front he did NOT look up, I heard him whisper, "Mister DeSilva" not "Good morning Mister DeSilva" --- just "Mister DeSilva".  He OBVIOUSLY knew I was in his class and that I WAS THE ON LY MALE.  It weirded me out.  I slunk to my window like skank-ass no-know hobo.

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