We still gotta traverse some territory we set foot on yesterday. I began our trek with a spurious, What happens when God sends you a HILTI TE-56 Hammer Drill and a Yashica 35mm Camera, a one you've wanted your entire adult Life ?
I gotta take things back to their Source. Besides writing poetry I always figured that my ritual reveries afforded access to an artists camera-atic vision. My High School classmate Rob Shields won the Newport Art Festival during our Friendship Before Got Married. I knew my way around his cameras, enlarger and dark room. So there was that.
The Larger Question has Cosmic Ramifications. Somewhere, somehow I ALWAYS felt that the Universe had something Significant for me "To Do". Don't misunderstand, when I was a t U.Conn. ALL I wanted to do was get my Degree and Bail Out into Reality. It wasn't until I had the Meeting With The Invisible Messenger that I felt the Universe had rescued me so that I could execute Cosmic Decree. Thing is, WTF was that Decree ?
That's where I am rite now, in La-La Land where I have UNLIMITED URGENCY to devise Some Sort of Artistic Agenda, be it of the Martial Arts or Writing Folk Tales, Fairy Tales, Fables and/or Camera-ing.
I suffer from "Grandma Moses" Urgency.
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