Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Catcher With The Wry

Back in The Day, the hottest question was "What is the MEANING of Life ?"  Only mental Heavy-Weights bothered to burden themselves with such esotericism.  Answers ranged from "Life HAS no Meaning" to "The Service to God"---then, Nietzsche had to go and kill God making Life devoid of Meaning, which was OK for nihilists and hedonists for that matter, but left the Rest of us scratching our heads.  We were left with, the Meaning of Life is to Fuck all we can and Die.  Cruelly unattractive at best, at worst, funny and urbane. 

These days we struggle with, "What is the PURPOSE of Life ?"  I have a rough time figuring if IT is any better.  It does, however, suit ME. The Purpose in MY Life is to inform, console and Guide.  I warned you Kidz, I'm the Catcher With The Wry.  You'd think that THAT "would be enough", Ultimate WORLD Salvation ain't for the feint of Heart, and I'm FEARLESS when it comes to sitting on my fat fucking ass contriving vituperative dissonance with which to beat and batter pernicious plutocrats.  I'm GREAT at doing nothing !

If only I could generate a fortune by ACTUALLY doing nothing !

Woe is me.

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