I DIDN'T "Set my clocks BACK" because I WANTED to RE-LIVE that HOUR. Psychologists refer to "it" as "Magical Thinking", the kind and sort of Liddle Kidz, who don't know shit about Reality and DON'T CARE TO KNOW. I don't EXACTLY live in Magical Thinking Land but I vacation there FREQUENTLY. I'm no good with Reality - - - but here's the Deal with THAT - - - guy's like trump deal in Reality MANIPULATION. Above all else, trump MANIPULATES Reality in order to suit his "just now" needs, and these "Needs" are a plethora of Horror and Terror.
Trump Magic thinks that just by "tweeting" he can "run" a Nation. Trump treats the Armed Forces as TOYS. Soldiers are his TOY Soldiers. Trump can't "see" he is a Hitler Wanna-be. When trump looks into the Hitler Mirror he CAN'T see himself, Vampires can't see themselves in ANY mirror, (Mythology as Revelation) - - - I'm jus' sayin'.
What's-her-first-name Kearns Crone-Sages that "The Guy Who Tells The Story Of The Nations LEADS The Nation." She directs our attention to the "Story" told by trump and how IT is "leading" our Nation. You can see the problem. Trump is a madman.
For me, trump is the Engineer on the Crazy Train and he's "leading" us into The Acme Tunnel painted on the mountainside by Wile E. Coyote.
Catastrophe awaits our Power Addicted "Casey Jones".
Kearns catastrophes, "The Democrats don't have a Story".
All they have are Dreams, Fantasies and Phantasmagoria.
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