Friday, November 16, 2018

...max-out to the HILT-I...

I felt it would be adorably clever to preface a question with, We KNOW God wants us to make lemonade when He "gives" ( or sends ) us lemons - - - and then to query =  but what is SUPPOSE to happen when he sends us a "Hilti" TE-56 [Super-Professional] IDUSTRIAL SIZE Hammer-Drill along with a "Makita" [Super-Professional] INDUSTRIAL SIZE Angle Grinder with 2 Stone Grinding Wheels AND a 40 pound bag of MAGIC BOULDER BUSTER DUST ? ! ? ! ???  And WOULD that it were to be just THAT.

In the Tao Te Ching Lao Tzu codes,
"Never allow yourself to have desires
  In order to observe Its Secrets.
  But always allow yourself to have desires
  In order to observe Its Manifestations."

Supposedly we are allowed to "Send Out" as my Hero Ken Kesey once described in his Sometimes A Great Notion.  Thing is, you gotta "Send Out", ASK for Stuff, with a Clear Mind and a Pure Heart, otherwise it's just selfish Egoism that denies a Spirituality that REWARDS abject Humility.  Interestingly, Getting What You Desire MAY or MAY NOT take YEARS, even DECADES. 

So now here comes the tale of "Seeking Yashica".

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