The story titled "Seeking Yashica" SHOULD begin with "Once upon a time in the Mind-Light Temple". I mean, like, I WISH it could begin "like that". With THAT title I could describe Student Fortin as moving around the Zendo floor wielding Camera, as similar to Dave Gallogly's almost spiritual GRACE on Ice when he wields Hockey Stick. Ya know Kidz, you can forgive Gallogly for being so fucking GREAT because he went to La Salle Academy where Hockey RULES. With Fortin and his camera, it just pissed me the fuck OFF. Fortin was GREAT at everything except Humility. When I went to compliment him on his camera he just shrugged it off with Tabor Academy condescending hostility, as if to imply, "What the fuck do YOU know about cameras ?" I didn't shrug it off ---Fortin could infuriate me like no other human being, he was THAT good. Somehow through all his bullshit vomit he MAY have spat, "All you need is a Yashica." DECADES later . . .
But that AIN'T the title.
By the way. I can do the swimming stroke "Butterfly" for 50 yards. In swimming vernacular, Butterfly, is reduced to "Fly"---hence the above title.
I just wanted to brag.....
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