Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Past IZ The Future.

 Although Joe's Election and the Arrival of Vaccine has COSMIC HOLYFUCK written all-over it I must urge CAUTION with regard to recognizing Relief as SALVATION.  Joe ain't-gonna Save us, and neither is the Vaccine.  Once we get Healthy we face EVERY FUCKING PROBLEM THERE EVER WAS AND EVERY FUCKING PROBLEM THERE EVER WILL BE.  Here it is where THE PAST IS THE FUTURE.  

Rock steady........Steady as She goes....

Badge of Horror

 Please consider this Paradox >>>  There ain't-gonna be no Future WITHOUT a Future.   Because Joe IZ Joe, the ONLY "Future" he can En-Vision is One in which HIS PAST is Foundation For Actuation --- Meaning >  His VERSION of "The Future" is predicated upon HIS PAST.  In this, Joe is 'calling for' a RETURN of HIS Understanding of Democracy, the One of the Ancients, the One of an AGRARIAN Hospitality, a One where the Country's Numbers tallied in TENS of Millions not HUNDREDS, a One whose FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES were the Result of Age Of Enlightenment Rationality.  

No one is certain Joe has fully ASCERTAINED the Psychic COMPLICATIONS of an Internet Consciousness MagnIFIED by the Unle   ASHED UnConscious RUDIMENTARY Components of  Fear and HATRED which are further AMPLIFIED by the Worship of IGNORANCE and the Advance of SENSATIONALISM as THE Preeminent Aspects of TRIBAL Reality.  Here it is where Truth hasn't just been 'leveraged' OUT of Reality resulting in a "Dark Age", but instead Truth is somehow YET TO EXIST due to a Return to Animalistic Primality, modernized as Cultist Totemism.  

Trump as Witch Doctor.   


 When Joe wheezes, "We need 'to Heal' ", that, he's INTENT upon 'Unifying' America I want to know, EXACTLY, what 'Healing' and 'Unifying' MEANS >>> Specifically EXACTLY 'What' is it that needs Healing and EXACTLY 'How' does he intend to Unify WARRING Factions as the PSYCHIC and MATERIAL manifestations of a Civil War where SURRENDER was NEVER FULLY ACKNOWLEDGED.  HOW is MYTHOLOGICAL Unification to be IDENTIFIED let alone Achieved ??????!   I've tagged Joe as a Modern-Day  Don Quioxte -a Madman- BOUND TO THE PAST, flailing at misery-laden Misanthropes >Windmills<  AS IF he and he alone can RETURN America to a Bliss that is mere Imbecilic FANTASY.  Joe needs MAGA  >>>Make America Gag Again<<< .

"Mark it 'FRAGILLY' ".

What the fuck is The Plan, Stan ???   Joe's gonna 'Do this' and Joe's gonna 'Do that' >>> all I'm askin' is HOW and With What ?   Joe's SUGGESTIONS for his Cabinet Sureties MUST be 'accepted' by REPUBLICANT Senators.  Joe HOPES their Confirmation will be 'ascertained' as Smooth.  There's that Word  "HOPE".  Dame Dunce, Fancy Nancy, HOPED the republicants would 'come to the table' to AT THE VERY LEAST, Consider  a Tit-For-Tat Bargaining PROCESS.  She HOPED they would put PEOPLE First.  She HOPED they would ACKNOWLEDGE the Suffering and ABJECT Misery imposed upon the American Populace not only COSMICALLY by the Plague Pandemic but Administratively by a fucking HEARTLESS and MERCILESSLY CRUEL Governmental CARELESSNESS.

They went on Holiday.


 Suspicious and skeptical that's 'Suskeptical'.  It MAY be that Skepticism >is better than<  Cynicism, I'm sayin' 'maybe' just Maybe.  Suspicion itself is 'low end' Fear, whereas Skepticism is somehow 'laced' with Familiarity-Of-Similar-Circumstances which should NOT be devalued nor under-regarded as Pessimistic Paucity of Faith.  I DO Have Faith, Faith in an American Conscience that relies on HOPE rather than IN-YOUR-FACE Reality Projectionism.  Hope is a Drug.  To HOPE that a 78 year old Geriatric Senilic will Oversee the Repair of an Entire Government whose Internal Structures  have been Atom BOMBED, is an Inner Deception of  Armageddon Proportions which Drugs CANNOT 'overcome' no matter the Quantity nor Quality of Ingestion.    Joe's 'pushin' Hope, I say "Goddamn, GODDAMN the Pusher Man".

"Hail HAIL Freedonia "

 Biden has secured ALL Aspects of the Presidency, i.e., the Popular Vote AND the Electoral College Majority, all that remains is for the EC to confirm the 'Absolute'.  Now what .....

I've reminded Everyone of the Political NECESSITY of Senatorial Majority, to wit, in lieu, and even Ipso Facto, the Upcoming National Trajectory Determine-Er, that DEFINES Presidential Power, that of Democrap MAJORITY Will.  No Senate, No Power >>>> Obama as PROOF.  All manner of Political Purging will NOT benefit a Pres if the Senate remains in trump boot-licker moscow mitch's scurrilous hands.  Some democraps along with Media Dim Wits are ALREADY heralding American "Advancement" to be achieved with REPUBLICANT Assistance, AS IF, trump's departure MEANS an End to trump-Ism and All its Socio-Political Manifestations.  It ain't gonna happen........not now........not eva.   Hitler and Nazi-Ism  is PROOF.  

Monday, November 16, 2020

Tabula Rash-a

 There is an entire "School of Thought" that depicts a Newborn as possessing a Clear, Clean and Unblemished Mind, the so-called Tabula Rasa, and that it, itself, has a Primordial 'Inclination' toward Goodness, and even a Genetic Predisposition for Ever-Lasting Love.  At its absolute BEST it is Romantic Vomit.  At its earthy WORST it is Grotesque Abomination pulsated by Optimists whose World View is sychophantically enmeshed in Planetary Positivity and whose Spiritual Epidermis Crawls under the affliction of Other Dimension Permeation by Demons and Hungry Ghosts.  At its Core, the Universe MAY not be TOTALLY Fucked-uP but it is DEFINITELY Scary.  Trump is PROOF.

I find it ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE for my Gentle Readers to FULLY Appreciate that Civilization is the RESULT of Evolution; that the Mind of Man has EVOLVED;  that it is Higher Order Reasoning that COUNTERS Primal Instinctuality, manifested as The Law of the Jungle and "Every man for himself".  Here it is where INSTINCT generates FEAR which in turn manifests as HATRED.  Do NOT misunderstand, there is NEED for FEAR, Fear STRENGTHENS  the Instinct for Self Preservation.  But there IS a Point at which Higher Order Reasoning MUST be activated if PROGRESS, Peace and Prosperity is to be Achieved, NOT just for a Selectorial Few, but for the ENTIRE Planetary Populace.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

Ryte and Rong

 Prominent Analysts whose Job it is to Scrutinize Political Activity stubbornly INSIST "trump does NOT 'Represent' the American Conscience"  >  that < "he is an ANATHEMA to 'All that is America' ".  Fucking whore-shit. TRUMP IS AMERICA.  Only the foolhardy would regard him as anything less.  This 'View' that ONE 'Man' can and DOES encapsulate an entire Nation is the Basis for this, for lack of a better word, 'Consideration'.  

Clearly, as I have recorded above, HALF the American Nation VALUES   >ALL<    that is contained within trump's Mind and what he actualizes as Political Expediency.  ANY attempt at recognizing Conscious and UN-Conscious Political Activity Must CORRECTLY View MIND as Source and Root of said 'Activity'.  Values, Ethics, Mores and Morals are DERIVATIVES of Mind's 'Socialization', meaning, we are TAUGHT the Differences between "Right and Wrong" in order to establish a Societal NORMALCY within which there is UNIVERSAL Agreement.  

Here it is where TRUE Men know the Differences between "Right and Wrong", whereas the Intellectually and Socially CHALLENGED have either NOT been exposed to UNIVERSAL Standards or who have willfully and MALICIOUSLY chosen to either Ignore and/or CONDEMN them as USELESS in the Day-to-Day Bitterness of Unfair and UNJUST Subjugation by Educated Others.

You can see it rite ?   You'd think that it can't be missed.    

Think again.

The ROAR of the Bungle

 My Intention is not only to Defend my own 'Condition'; but to elevate the Micro to the Macro, check that, to INSIST that the 'Micro' IZ the 'Macro', that, the 'Condition' of ONE Man can be (must be) Psychologically Viewed as the Condition of the Mind and Body Politic of the entire NATION, in Our Instance, America.   

Trump's rise to Superior Political Ascendancy was ROOTED In a SUBJECTIVE Value System, which, in turn, had as ITS foundation, a "Belief System" in which MONEY and WEALTH was enmeshed in FAMILIAL AGGRANDIZEMENT.   HALF the American Nation views trump as 'ONE OF US', and as Such, regard him in the Same Way as a Religious Hero/Benefactor, a One whom They BELIEVE has FINALLY "Risen" to give THEM Political AUTHORITY.  What they 'view' as a TRUE Man, is a One in which Destruction DOMINATES a Psych best described as "CHILDLIKE".  Here it is that UNDER-DEVELOPMENT resulting in a RESTRICTED CONSCIOUSNESS that SUCCESSFULLY not only 'Advanced' but WEAPONIZED  an almost RITUALISTIC and Tribal HATRED of ALL 'Others'.  Here it is where RAW Instinctual Animalism is Tribal Totem, where INHUMAN Cruelty is some mere Aspect of what is perceived as a Natural Condition of Socio-Political Existence.


 'Much' depends upon the Definition of "Success".  What IZ "Success" ?  In America, a 'Successful' man is one who has 'worked for' and Fulfilled the so-called "America Dream" >>> loosely depicted as the Acquisitions of : Wife, Offspring, Home, Car and an 'income stream' that foundations these Acquisitions.  Make no mistake, America is a HIGHLY Advanced Socio-Economic CASTE System, a One in which the 'Measure of a Man' is dependent upon MONETARY Rank.  Not surprisingly, this Measurement begets the Adverse, grossly Subjective Conceit of "Better than", woefully described by, "A rich man is better than a poor man."  Clearly, being rich IZ "better than" being Poor, in that All Life's Necessities have been Acquired and there is NO 'Want'.  

You can readily detect a Problem.  'Material Gain' should NOT be the ONLY 'Measure of Success" and by Derivative Conclusion, that of the 'Measure of a Man'.  Some of Us have askew-ed the Acquisition of Riches because of  a Belief System that Recognizes, "The Love of Money is the Root of ALL Evil", i.e.,  that, Material Gain MAY be the PRIMARY Source of unmitigated Suffering, unrelenting Strife and abject Misery.  Here it is where "Never Enough" 'mushroom clouds' one's Conscience, that, the DESIRE to "Have it all" DEMANDS a Socio-Economic CRUELTY, a One in which "Charity" is viewed NOT a VIRTUE but as a VICE.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Law of Truth

 As an Agent of the Law I MUST turn your Attention to I Corinthians 13,  the one of Shakespeare's Sonnet 116 Apogee.  I humbly BESEECH you to Read the entire Chapter, it's short, don't worry.  It's found in the New Testament.  Here it is you will find "...when I became a man, I gave up my childish ways."  There is only a MODICUM of Philosophical Salvation within this Passage.  The "rub" is that of WHAT and HOW the Definition of 'Man" is conceived   and   its earthly manifestation thereof.  

Specifically, When and HOW  >>EXACTLY<<   does one "...BECOME a Man" ?  

I have a few thoughts.............

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

The Thrones of Empiric Impunity

 The Reason I am even THINKING about A Book of Five Things, Manhood included, is because of the American republican Senate---a 'Body' of supposed conservative 'men' who are devoid of ANY Political 'Virtue'.  I want to Argue that in NO 'Way" do they even MODESTLY represent TRUE Men, the Men of Intellectual Stature, Men of Political Maturity, Men of Scientific Wisdom, Men of Democratic Purity.  I Argue They are  NOT 'Men'.  True Men are Those that would OPPOSE Political Cruelty at EVERY Turn and Twist.  True Men would COMBAT Political Tyranny in order to PROTECT Those of Dire Needs.  Instead, these 'adult children' COWER in the face of Demonic Injustice.  It is as if they Venerate  Shame and Disgrace and WORSHIP Cowardice as VIRTUE.  Here it is where Psychotic Misanthropy registers with them as Devotional Hypocrisy which in turn manifests as Divine Corruption, since they view themselves as earthly demigods.  

True MEN do NOT sanction the Merciless SLAUGHTER of UNARMED and INNOCENT Fellow HUMAN BEINGS.

Yet there they sit as if on Thrones of  Empiric Impunity, seemingly Impervious to the "Slings and Arrows" of TRUE Democratic Righteousness.

Dave Brecia and John Souza

 I mean,,,  there were Problems, I mean,,,THERE ARE ALWAYS PROBLEMS.  Ideational and Philosophical CERTAINTIES sometimes and  IRRITATINGLY   carry with them a SIGNIFICANT Burden of Subjectivity--ESPECIALLY Those of Mystical Naturality.  Since I am BENT toward Cosmic Mystification you can see the Problem.  Proving the Invisible Actualtiy of Inter-Dimension Permeation ISN'T 'uP There' with Intellectual Sure-ity.  I'd need to write a Book on The Zen Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics just to RE-Prove Those found in The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra and of course Gary Zukav's  The Dancing Wu Li Masters.  These Authors were NOT Swordsman, and they Used Quantum Mechanics to PROVE a SCIENTIFIC Rationality for "Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form" and Other such seemingly Incomprehensible Enigmas.  You can read my Problem:  The Translation alone would be DAUNTING, given the Esoteric Nature of even Physics In General.

I was standing on a 'roof' of floor joists with Dave Brecia and John Souza, MASTER  Carpenters and Builders BOTH.  We were laying down plywood sheets.  I made the innocuous statement that I LOVED the Geometry involved what with all the joists as lines, angles and intersections.  The stopped working and stood up.  David said, "There ain't no Geometry up here".  I looked to John, he was shaking his head in agreement.  I was aghast.  I spat, There is nothing BUT Geometry up here.

2 words >>   Silence.

A Book of Five Things

 A looooooooong-long Time Ago. so long, in fact, I can't remember When, I got it into my head that I wuz-gonna write a Book that concerned itself with Manhood.  I figured, that because there wuz no Existing Manual, I could jump-rite-in and provide a one, based upon the so-called Cosmic Principles of "Individuation", most of which [were] already set forth by Dr. Carl Jung and Dr. Joseph Campbell.  My 'slant' would be that of 'Street and Gutter' Occupational Derivatives, those of Industrial Common Sense and Time-PROVEN Reliability.  Zen Master and Ultimate SwordsMan, Miyamoto Musashi insisted that All Trades and Occupations have, as their Mechanical and Philosophical Foundation, the SAME Cosmic Principles that foundation the Study and Practice of the Martial Arts, Swordsmanship specifically.  Since I sometimes Pride myself on Trades 'Familiarity' and since I consider myself an 'Accomplished' Swordsman, I figured 'How hard would that BE ?'