Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Past IZ The Future.

 Although Joe's Election and the Arrival of Vaccine has COSMIC HOLYFUCK written all-over it I must urge CAUTION with regard to recognizing Relief as SALVATION.  Joe ain't-gonna Save us, and neither is the Vaccine.  Once we get Healthy we face EVERY FUCKING PROBLEM THERE EVER WAS AND EVERY FUCKING PROBLEM THERE EVER WILL BE.  Here it is where THE PAST IS THE FUTURE.  

Rock steady........Steady as She goes....

1 comment:

  1. Moment to moment open but empty the warrior faces the present,past is future , future is past Ali no past no fulure,swords clash in the eternal present,,,,let’s navigate the unknown devoid of expectations,,, like you say do nothing and nothing is left undone,,,, what is nothing DONT KNOW
