Tuesday, November 24, 2020


 Suspicious and skeptical that's 'Suskeptical'.  It MAY be that Skepticism >is better than<  Cynicism, I'm sayin' 'maybe' just Maybe.  Suspicion itself is 'low end' Fear, whereas Skepticism is somehow 'laced' with Familiarity-Of-Similar-Circumstances which should NOT be devalued nor under-regarded as Pessimistic Paucity of Faith.  I DO Have Faith, Faith in an American Conscience that relies on HOPE rather than IN-YOUR-FACE Reality Projectionism.  Hope is a Drug.  To HOPE that a 78 year old Geriatric Senilic will Oversee the Repair of an Entire Government whose Internal Structures  have been Atom BOMBED, is an Inner Deception of  Armageddon Proportions which Drugs CANNOT 'overcome' no matter the Quantity nor Quality of Ingestion.    Joe's 'pushin' Hope, I say "Goddamn, GODDAMN the Pusher Man".

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