Monday, November 16, 2020

Ryte and Rong

 Prominent Analysts whose Job it is to Scrutinize Political Activity stubbornly INSIST "trump does NOT 'Represent' the American Conscience"  >  that < "he is an ANATHEMA to 'All that is America' ".  Fucking whore-shit. TRUMP IS AMERICA.  Only the foolhardy would regard him as anything less.  This 'View' that ONE 'Man' can and DOES encapsulate an entire Nation is the Basis for this, for lack of a better word, 'Consideration'.  

Clearly, as I have recorded above, HALF the American Nation VALUES   >ALL<    that is contained within trump's Mind and what he actualizes as Political Expediency.  ANY attempt at recognizing Conscious and UN-Conscious Political Activity Must CORRECTLY View MIND as Source and Root of said 'Activity'.  Values, Ethics, Mores and Morals are DERIVATIVES of Mind's 'Socialization', meaning, we are TAUGHT the Differences between "Right and Wrong" in order to establish a Societal NORMALCY within which there is UNIVERSAL Agreement.  

Here it is where TRUE Men know the Differences between "Right and Wrong", whereas the Intellectually and Socially CHALLENGED have either NOT been exposed to UNIVERSAL Standards or who have willfully and MALICIOUSLY chosen to either Ignore and/or CONDEMN them as USELESS in the Day-to-Day Bitterness of Unfair and UNJUST Subjugation by Educated Others.

You can see it rite ?   You'd think that it can't be missed.    

Think again.

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