Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Thrones of Empiric Impunity

 The Reason I am even THINKING about A Book of Five Things, Manhood included, is because of the American republican Senate---a 'Body' of supposed conservative 'men' who are devoid of ANY Political 'Virtue'.  I want to Argue that in NO 'Way" do they even MODESTLY represent TRUE Men, the Men of Intellectual Stature, Men of Political Maturity, Men of Scientific Wisdom, Men of Democratic Purity.  I Argue They are  NOT 'Men'.  True Men are Those that would OPPOSE Political Cruelty at EVERY Turn and Twist.  True Men would COMBAT Political Tyranny in order to PROTECT Those of Dire Needs.  Instead, these 'adult children' COWER in the face of Demonic Injustice.  It is as if they Venerate  Shame and Disgrace and WORSHIP Cowardice as VIRTUE.  Here it is where Psychotic Misanthropy registers with them as Devotional Hypocrisy which in turn manifests as Divine Corruption, since they view themselves as earthly demigods.  

True MEN do NOT sanction the Merciless SLAUGHTER of UNARMED and INNOCENT Fellow HUMAN BEINGS.

Yet there they sit as if on Thrones of  Empiric Impunity, seemingly Impervious to the "Slings and Arrows" of TRUE Democratic Righteousness.

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