Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Badge of Horror

 Please consider this Paradox >>>  There ain't-gonna be no Future WITHOUT a Future.   Because Joe IZ Joe, the ONLY "Future" he can En-Vision is One in which HIS PAST is Foundation For Actuation --- Meaning >  His VERSION of "The Future" is predicated upon HIS PAST.  In this, Joe is 'calling for' a RETURN of HIS Understanding of Democracy, the One of the Ancients, the One of an AGRARIAN Hospitality, a One where the Country's Numbers tallied in TENS of Millions not HUNDREDS, a One whose FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES were the Result of Age Of Enlightenment Rationality.  

No one is certain Joe has fully ASCERTAINED the Psychic COMPLICATIONS of an Internet Consciousness MagnIFIED by the Unle   ASHED UnConscious RUDIMENTARY Components of  Fear and HATRED which are further AMPLIFIED by the Worship of IGNORANCE and the Advance of SENSATIONALISM as THE Preeminent Aspects of TRIBAL Reality.  Here it is where Truth hasn't just been 'leveraged' OUT of Reality resulting in a "Dark Age", but instead Truth is somehow YET TO EXIST due to a Return to Animalistic Primality, modernized as Cultist Totemism.  

Trump as Witch Doctor.   

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