Tuesday, November 24, 2020

"Hail HAIL Freedonia "

 Biden has secured ALL Aspects of the Presidency, i.e., the Popular Vote AND the Electoral College Majority, all that remains is for the EC to confirm the 'Absolute'.  Now what .....

I've reminded Everyone of the Political NECESSITY of Senatorial Majority, to wit, in lieu, and even Ipso Facto, the Upcoming National Trajectory Determine-Er, that DEFINES Presidential Power, that of Democrap MAJORITY Will.  No Senate, No Power >>>> Obama as PROOF.  All manner of Political Purging will NOT benefit a Pres if the Senate remains in trump boot-licker moscow mitch's scurrilous hands.  Some democraps along with Media Dim Wits are ALREADY heralding American "Advancement" to be achieved with REPUBLICANT Assistance, AS IF, trump's departure MEANS an End to trump-Ism and All its Socio-Political Manifestations.  It ain't gonna happen........not now........not eva.   Hitler and Nazi-Ism  is PROOF.  

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