Monday, November 16, 2020

Tabula Rash-a

 There is an entire "School of Thought" that depicts a Newborn as possessing a Clear, Clean and Unblemished Mind, the so-called Tabula Rasa, and that it, itself, has a Primordial 'Inclination' toward Goodness, and even a Genetic Predisposition for Ever-Lasting Love.  At its absolute BEST it is Romantic Vomit.  At its earthy WORST it is Grotesque Abomination pulsated by Optimists whose World View is sychophantically enmeshed in Planetary Positivity and whose Spiritual Epidermis Crawls under the affliction of Other Dimension Permeation by Demons and Hungry Ghosts.  At its Core, the Universe MAY not be TOTALLY Fucked-uP but it is DEFINITELY Scary.  Trump is PROOF.

I find it ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE for my Gentle Readers to FULLY Appreciate that Civilization is the RESULT of Evolution; that the Mind of Man has EVOLVED;  that it is Higher Order Reasoning that COUNTERS Primal Instinctuality, manifested as The Law of the Jungle and "Every man for himself".  Here it is where INSTINCT generates FEAR which in turn manifests as HATRED.  Do NOT misunderstand, there is NEED for FEAR, Fear STRENGTHENS  the Instinct for Self Preservation.  But there IS a Point at which Higher Order Reasoning MUST be activated if PROGRESS, Peace and Prosperity is to be Achieved, NOT just for a Selectorial Few, but for the ENTIRE Planetary Populace.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

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