I mean,,, there were Problems, I mean,,,THERE ARE ALWAYS PROBLEMS. Ideational and Philosophical CERTAINTIES sometimes and IRRITATINGLY carry with them a SIGNIFICANT Burden of Subjectivity--ESPECIALLY Those of Mystical Naturality. Since I am BENT toward Cosmic Mystification you can see the Problem. Proving the Invisible Actualtiy of Inter-Dimension Permeation ISN'T 'uP There' with Intellectual Sure-ity. I'd need to write a Book on The Zen Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics just to RE-Prove Those found in The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra and of course Gary Zukav's The Dancing Wu Li Masters. These Authors were NOT Swordsman, and they Used Quantum Mechanics to PROVE a SCIENTIFIC Rationality for "Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form" and Other such seemingly Incomprehensible Enigmas. You can read my Problem: The Translation alone would be DAUNTING, given the Esoteric Nature of even Physics In General.
I was standing on a 'roof' of floor joists with Dave Brecia and John Souza, MASTER Carpenters and Builders BOTH. We were laying down plywood sheets. I made the innocuous statement that I LOVED the Geometry involved what with all the joists as lines, angles and intersections. The stopped working and stood up. David said, "There ain't no Geometry up here". I looked to John, he was shaking his head in agreement. I was aghast. I spat, There is nothing BUT Geometry up here.
2 words >> Silence.
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