Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Law of Truth

 As an Agent of the Law I MUST turn your Attention to I Corinthians 13,  the one of Shakespeare's Sonnet 116 Apogee.  I humbly BESEECH you to Read the entire Chapter, it's short, don't worry.  It's found in the New Testament.  Here it is you will find "...when I became a man, I gave up my childish ways."  There is only a MODICUM of Philosophical Salvation within this Passage.  The "rub" is that of WHAT and HOW the Definition of 'Man" is conceived   and   its earthly manifestation thereof.  

Specifically, When and HOW  >>EXACTLY<<   does one "...BECOME a Man" ?  

I have a few thoughts.............

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

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