'Much' depends upon the Definition of "Success". What IZ "Success" ? In America, a 'Successful' man is one who has 'worked for' and Fulfilled the so-called "America Dream" >>> loosely depicted as the Acquisitions of : Wife, Offspring, Home, Car and an 'income stream' that foundations these Acquisitions. Make no mistake, America is a HIGHLY Advanced Socio-Economic CASTE System, a One in which the 'Measure of a Man' is dependent upon MONETARY Rank. Not surprisingly, this Measurement begets the Adverse, grossly Subjective Conceit of "Better than", woefully described by, "A rich man is better than a poor man." Clearly, being rich IZ "better than" being Poor, in that All Life's Necessities have been Acquired and there is NO 'Want'.
You can readily detect a Problem. 'Material Gain' should NOT be the ONLY 'Measure of Success" and by Derivative Conclusion, that of the 'Measure of a Man'. Some of Us have askew-ed the Acquisition of Riches because of a Belief System that Recognizes, "The Love of Money is the Root of ALL Evil", i.e., that, Material Gain MAY be the PRIMARY Source of unmitigated Suffering, unrelenting Strife and abject Misery. Here it is where "Never Enough" 'mushroom clouds' one's Conscience, that, the DESIRE to "Have it all" DEMANDS a Socio-Economic CRUELTY, a One in which "Charity" is viewed NOT a VIRTUE but as a VICE.
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