Thursday, December 3, 2020

Hitler Lives !!!!!

 'Battle Lines' are being drawn.  It is 'as if' there isn't MORE than 'enough shit' in which to Drown.  American Democraps (t > p), led by Biden, are using a Malicious Maudlin-ridden Status Quo Homeopathy that those of us on the Militant Left find Apocalypse-ically Egregious. Wheezing Joe's obstinate Insistence on a "Return to Forever" cadenced by 'Calls to move FORWARD' but ONLY by denying trump's UTTER Destruction of the once heralded 'Norms of Democratic Rule' have such ROMANTIC 'Under-pinnings' I, and Other Social Commentators, have been applying "Don Quioxte" renderings to a MILLION YEAR OLD  Windmill Slayer "Hell-bent" on FORGIVING the Heinous and Rabid SUB-HUMAN Cruelty of a 'president' who has USED the Presidency for HIS Socio-Economic Aggrandizement at the GENOCIDAL Expense of an Entire Nation who CONTINUES to be RAVAGED by Covid Plague, Economic Pestilence, AND  trump's Political Imbecilism manifested as TREASONOUS MALFEASANCE.  

"Forgive and Forget" ???

Cujo in a cage with a twig for a lock.

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