Wednesday, December 9, 2020

"Welcome to the Jungle"

 I mean, there MAY have been "Good Times In The Land Of Milk And Honey" but maybe there were NOT.  Rome's Status Quo rendered the Promised Land into a seething Cauldron of Hopelessness and Despair.  Allow me to 'leverage' that "Status Quo" by using it to qualify the OPPRESSION of the American Citizenry by American REPUBLICAN 'Authority' an Authority that summarily DISMISSES Democracy as COUNTER to its Trajectory of Usurpation and Corruption.  Here it is where Democracy Itself is to be considered ANATHEMA by republican political Standards.  Here it is where the Rule of the Majority is to be ERADICATED by Socio-Economic Toxins, those of INJUSTICE, INEQUALITY and RACISM .  Here it is where PRIMAL Instinctuality has DOMINATED the very Essence of Civilizational Morals, Mores and Ethics, the ones of Abstract Ideational Purity, routinely expressed as Virtues.  Here it is where Socio-Political PREDATION iz the LAW OF THE LAND, reducing said Land to either Swamp or Jungle or BOTH.  

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