Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Beatitude Beat Down

 When you place that Biblical Template on mite-y Joe, you CAN'T miss his OBVIOUS Biblical CRIMINALITY .  Yesterday he Miracle-d, "I'm gonna inoculate 100 MILLION in 100 Days".  That's Jesus feeding 100 MILLION with 100 loaves of bread.  The Other Day he Beatitude-d "I'm gonna be the President of EVERYBODY including, Those That Want Me DEAD."  Now that THAT sounds suspiciously like, "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do."  "Savior Complex" or Ego-Manicality ?  Don't misunderstand me, I'm all FOR 'Ego-Maniacality', shit, I LIVE on 'It'.  Indeed my EGO subsumes the Universe, but THAT'S why I got 'Apportioned' to Steward the Galaxy in the First Place.  But THAT'S a blog inundation for another day.

You get my Point.  If Jesus couldn't and/or WOULDN'T "Save" Israel, what chance in HELL does mite-y Joe have trying to 'Save' America ?????

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