Thursday, December 31, 2020

Mirror Mirror of the Gall ...

 Recently Cracker Joe suffered an ankle injury ~~~ apparently he was INNOCENTLY playing with his dog which is GOD spelled sdrawkcab.  I MUST inject a COSMIC 'Interpretation' bc this whole 'Condition' REEKS of Mythological Mystery, which for me, is INSTANTLY Revealing.  Kwikly, Cracker Joe was THROWN OF F  Political  Mt. Olympus bc he had committed "Hubris".  When he landed he 'twisted' or 'turned' his ankle.  He's fortunate he DIDN'T receive a Frac Ture.  So now, there's a  rather disconcerting Olympian Anomaly whereby Cracker Joe's 'injury' CAN-BE Interpreted as SIMILAR, albeit, RELATIVELY, to the Olympian Hephaestus who wuz also TOSSED from the Olympic Heights, himself to endure an almost CRIPPLING catastrophe.  Hephaestus limps.  Indeed, ANY adult male who limps is referred to as a 'Festus' OBVIOUSLY shrt 4 Hephaestus.  In Pop Culture the most recent 'Festus' is "Dr. House" a CREATIVE GENIUS which is DIRECTLY an Attribute if not THE Attribute of Hephaestus .

Don't misunderstand ~~~ Cracker Joe AINT no Creative Genius ---  HIS 'Hubris' was the god-like Claim that he can SAVE America.  Joe is 70 fucking EIGHT.  I'm guessing he can BARELY wipe his own ass after an evacuation.  He SEZ he can do 20 push-ups.  I say  No Way.   

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