Thursday, December 31, 2020

The "End Times" just won't fucking END

 Elsewhere, I have vehemently insisted that the BIBLICAL "End Times" are upon Us.  Here The Pandemic is Plague, Economic Depression is Pestilence and Famine is Famine.  We have an 'Anti-Christ' ACTIVELY engaged in the DEMOLITION of a Democratic Civilization that the entire World has acknowledge as one time "Heaven On Earth", the so-called "Promised Land" the One of "Milk and Honey".  

I have depicted the Pandemic as causing [a] CATACLYSMAL Division and Separation that is grossly 'Similar' to the Tectonic 'Shift' that DIVIDED and SEPARATED the Continents.  In the Same Way that Brazil isn't-gonna MAGICALLY reunite with AFRICA, American Foundational Jobs AINT-GONNA Magically reunite Worker with Industry.  

When you think, "It just CAN'T 'get any worse' " :  The Concrete of "Gone 4 EVA" CRUSHES Us with near Life Extinction Suffocation.  

It is AS IF Our Nation is experiencing JOB-like Historifaction, meaning, As Job was TESTED, check that, as Job WAS ALLOWED TO BE TESTED, so too WE are being Tested in A Jobian BIBLICAL Sense by none other than a Satan whose manifestation is the Burnt Orange Man From HELL.

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