Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Blinded by the Fright

How Great would it be to hear mite-y Joe confess, "I'm Scared Folks, I'm just as Scared as You are.  I'm Scared that maybe HALF the Nation will REFUSE the Inoculation and because of them, the Pandemic will CONTINUE its Ravage.  But we fucking KNOW the CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE that Doing NOTHING will generate.  THAT'S  Why We MUST make EVERY CONCERTED EFFORT to reestablish NATIONAL HEALTH as the PRIMARY Goal of these First Several Months.  It ain't like we have a Choice if ALL of us are-gonna 'get out' of this shit, Alive."

"To Quote one of  the Ancients, 'We're gonna try some shit, and if that doesn't work, we're-gonna try                Something Else.' ".

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