Thursday, December 3, 2020

John Barleycorn's Sister Hope

 Not only iz "Hope" a PAIN KILLER,  "Hope DENIES 'Access' to the Here and Now.  In this, the Future IZ 'accessed' but by EUPHORIC 'means'.  "Hope" KILLS THE PAIN of one's IMMEDIATE and INMOST Suffering thereby PREVENTING the REALISM of "Just Now".  

Some of You know I am a Drunk.  I've been Sober for 30 years BUT I'M STILL A FUCKING DRUNK.  I KNOW what it means to be a fucking ADDICT.  I also know what it means to ACTIVELY PURSUE SOBRIETY.  No fucking HOPE iz-gonna get you Sober.  Most times you gotta GRIT YOUR FUCKING TEETH AND GUT IT FUCKING OUT.  You gotta WORK at getting Sober >>>> HOPING you get Sober WITHOUT EFFORT results in MASSIVE Recidivism .  

At its Inmost Core "Hope" is a lethally CORROSIVE Agent.  Believe it.

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