Wednesday, December 16, 2020


 I call upon my Fellow Americans to maintain Vigilance regarding the Senate's Question for Resource Distribution.  If they leave for Holiday WITHOUT fulfilling the NEEDS of an Impoverished Nation then Biden and his MUST openly DECRY this HORROR as TREASONOUS.  Here it is where RETRIBUTION must be 'divined' as CAUSAL Attribution.  Should they REFUSE Resource Distribution they MUST-BE considered 'ENEMIES OF THE STATE'.  Here it is where their non-action is cruelly Similar to THE ATTACK ON PEARL HARBOR and the 9-11 ATTACK ON U.S. SOIL.  Here it is where WAR must be Declared on rabid trumpian ANIMALS that if not 'put down' MUST be STERILIZED that the American Citizenry be spared the heinous and grotesque Atrocities that these ANIMALS  inflict.

Rock Steady ........Steady as She goes....

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