Wednesday, December 9, 2020

American Apocalypse

 For some of Us, it's HARD to 'miss' the Biblical 'Amplifications' of the Present Day Plague Pandemic.  CLEARLY We are in the Throes of an Apocalypse Predicted by the Ancients and those of Us who use History as Template in order to garner Prophecy-as-Forecast.  The American Apocalypse is NOT the "End Of Times" Bullshit DRAMA that has been envisioned by Myopic Ill-Rationalisists. No and FUCK NO.  Nor has 'It' been a 'seem'-less Transition from Heavenly Blessing to Satanic Abomination but OH has it been SOOOOOO fucking close.  

"End Times" cartoons the 'Smelt of Human Souls' from the Heat of Hellfire Punishment.  Here it is where the "BIIIGGG Threee" >>> Plague, Pestilence, and Famine <<< ravage not only the POLITICAL "Landscape" but the very Grounds from which the Populace MUST harvest Its Sustenance.   We KNOW the Plague as Covid, Pestilence is Rendered as Economic DISASTER, and Famine is Recorded as 27 MILLION Citizens who DO NOT 'Know' from where their next meal will come.  

How can this 'This' be , since America is SUPPOSE TO BE "The Wealthiest Nation on Earth" ?

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