Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Land of Bilk and Hungry

Ya-know Kidz, I THINK I began-to-go South, and I mean DOWNTOWN South, when Obama's Book hit the Streets.  It's title is MAGNIFICENTLY Biblical, not only in CINEMA-"Scope" but in Moses' MEASURE as well.  I DID Warn you Kidz that Obama Psychologically identified himself with Moses, and I myself 'tagged' him as the Black Moses.   Here's the Deal with Moses that I BELIEVE Obama 'missed'.  Moses NEVER MADE IT INTO THE PROMISED LAND.  The Lord our God SMOTE HIM WHERE HE STOOD for an Obedience 'transgression.'  You read that rite.  The Almighty does NOT "Take lightly" to Those that Disobey His Will.  The Whole of the "Promised Land of Milk and Honey" is FRAUGHT this Day with Israeli SACRILEGE as MILLIONS of Palestinians have foreshadowed AMERICAN STARVATION >>>  an APARTHEID Promised Land an American Promised Land of that SAME Blaspheme-ic Feature.  

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