Tuesday, December 29, 2020

"When it Rains" It SNOWS

 Recently, I "got caught with my pants down".  A REAL Snowstorm hit Us, one I gave ABSOLUTELY no Credence to ---  I figured we'd get 'dusted' with one or 2 inches, nothing more, I mean, who figures a REAL Storm would VIOLATE Bay Water Insulation ?   When I was  kid, South County Rhode Island NEVER 'got' more than 1 or tw o inches, which inevitably turned to slush, which melted EASILY.  I had ITEMS all over EVERYWHERE.  2 inches, shit, even TH R EE could be managed by broom or brush, and if it's lite & f l u f f y, I could even use the BR 400 to BLO >>>>>>>>>>>>W it awa >>>>>y.  

I still had the mowers outdoors beneath the Tarp, lumber stock uncovered, wheel barrows filled with all that Gravel I HADN'T secured but What The Hell a DUSTING wouldn't AGGRAVATE the Work Areas so....I was shakily optimistic.

Guess what happened.

Go Ahead.


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