Thursday, December 31, 2020


 It's difficult for me to detect any REAL change in "The Face Of The Nation".  I mean, there is SERIOUS 'Change' in that we've gone from a MAGMA Hell Orange to a "Casper the Ghost" Vanilla White.  The Other Day I was INFURIATED to hear Cracker Joe proclaim that HE [and he alone] wuz-gonna "MOVE HEAVEN AND EARTH" in order to secure "Peace On Earth, Good Will Toward ALL".  The so-called "Face Of America" REMAINS That of a debilitated Geriatric possessed of Delusions of Grandeur.  Cracker Joe AINT-GONNA DO SHIT without those 2 Georgia Senate Seats.  EVERYTHING IS DEPENDENT UPON THEM !!!  Cracker Joe should have prefaced his remarks with THAT first.

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