Thursday, December 31, 2020

'Where there's Dope, there's Hope'

 If Youze Gize are like me, then you're-gonna HATE what follows.  Cracker Joe is not only the "Face Of The Nation" he is >UNDENIABLY<  OUR 'Collective Face' as well.  He IZ Us, worse, he iz our INDIVIDUAL Us.  Medieval Conceit-as-Construct imposes Cracker Joe as "Universal Everyman".  Modern Psychology concurs.  There is NO WAY 'Out' of this Abstract Prison.  In the SAME WAY that trump is PHYSICAL and MENTAL Composite of ALL our NEGATIVE traits and characteristics, so it is that in Biden can be seen those POSITIVE attributes and Virtues that help define our Psychological Profile.  Here it is where "Hope" can be POSITIVELY Identified as "DELUSION".  Cracker Joe HOPES that he and he PERSONALLY can 'get' MILLIONS UPON BILLIONS Inoculated.  

That's some Hope.

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