Tuesday, December 29, 2020


If you are concerned that the Fish manifestations are STRONGLY 'Christian', that, perhaps, I am a 'Christlike' "Fisherman of MEN" --- don't be deceived .  Although I DO admit to being possessed of the so-called "Savior Complex" rest assured that the Unconscious USES that Christ Aspect in order to magNIFY the RELIGIOUS Component of my rite-ing.  I TRY and rite Every Day the very definition of being 'Religiously Disciplined' .  When I don't, the Fish are left to die and decompose.  It's a Cosmic Waste.

Old as I am, I remain CHAINED to the Conceit that my 'work' is NOT 'Beneficial' to Others.  I'm ALWAYS Surprised when I read that Folks have read my shit.  It DUZN'T help that I endure Multiple Personalities who themselves CRAVE Attention and Literary Notoriety---some of these assholes CAN'T rite or they rite for Shit.  There's this One guy who INSISTS that he rite about the steel chisels I've had for 2MILLIONFUCKINGYEARS .      I've had his Blog in Draft for MONTHS.  I mean, WHO GIVES A FUCKING SHIT ABOUT STEEL CHISELS ??????!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's a Problem  HE'S a Problem.

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