Wednesday, December 16, 2020

...perversional orthodoxy...

 Are we to be MERCIFUL to those that have SLAUGHTERED us with Weapons of MASS Oppression, those of Psychological Warfare, Propaganda, STARVATION and Economic DEPRAVITY ?  I am a Resolute Zen Buddhist whose Ultimate Sanctity is that of Universal Compassion, HOWEVER, there is a Thing referred to as "Merited Karma" which, when viewed obliquely, looks like all the world to be "Tough Love".  There is an Aspect of Geneva Convention Conformity that SHOULD have manifested in trumpican Policy, the Nation's Food Necessity SHOULD have been met with BRUTE FREIGHT FORCE, that's the one where ALL AVAILABLE RESOURCES are IMMEDIATELY Directed to Those In Need, which in this Pandemic Instance is ALMOST THE ENTIRE NATION.  

Instead, trumpians and their army of zombie sycophants have resorted to and relied upon their perversional orthodoxy to IGNORE the DEMANDS of Sustenance "Eat or DIE" NECESSITY by regarding AMERICAN CITIZENS their Humanity and treating them as only THEY can, as NON-ESSENTIAL NUMBERS.  

This THIS is what transpires when ONLY THE "BOTTOM LINE" MATTERS.  

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