Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 Damn it !   I ALMOST forgot about the 'fish'.  Just so you know, 'fish' is an "IRREGULAR Plural Noun" --- you need to know that in-case it surfaces during a conversation.  But I digress.....

I've confessed to you Kidz that I've been 'running away' from Duties and Obligations.   I go all "The Who" and "Get my back in>to my Living".  It's Selfish, almost GREEDY even.   I excuse myself bc of the STRESS and STRAIN inflicted upon Us by Environmental Political Pollution.  It's "Self-Serving" I know, BUT..... 

What happens iz, I tell my Self   I WILL rite, ryte or write    IFF all OTHER Business is PROPERLY Comported, meaning, IFF ALL Other Business has been 'Fulfilled'.  It's 'like' when you have a 10 Page Paper DUE >>>  you CAN'T Begin until your Dorm Room is Spic & Span, ALL your laundry is dun, and there's DEATH QUIET in the hallway.  Shit, by the time the Pen is actually in your hand it's chow-time or PLAY time and someone is playing "Chicago" so you GOTTA go and check THAT out !!!!

It's jock shit of course.

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