Thursday, September 26, 2024

Miss Judge

                              You can see 'it' rite* (?) the FAILURE to respond correctly to that which is "self-evident".   It's like this :   a driver gets out of his car distraught , he says, "Something is wrong"--you look at his vehicle and it has a flat tire --- it is SELF-EVIDENT that it is the cause of vehicle dys-function* .  {{{ I mean it's fucking OBVIOUS}}}  .   Now apply "Self-Evident" to ANY observation of trump and you wanna believe that his dysfunction is BLATANTLY >>>Self-Evident<<< and yet ................... .   His "folks" don't get and prahbly* don't  WANT to get "Self-Evident".   What's the Reason ?    Why the fuck is it im-fucking-possible for them to encounter Self-Evident and IGNORE it fully .?  WTF is going on here ?

Saint Pall

                              Somewhere, during several eons ago, I posted that my "job" is to "make sense" of the unremitting bombardment of sensory inputs = the Sensations of News and Current Events mostly supplied by television .   It was always my direct intention to REDuce this onslaught to its 'most simplistic' and supply tropes from all knowledge and info realms and ESPECIALLY from Children's Literature .  "Making" things understandable isn't as "one-two-buckle-your-shoe" EZ as you think, at least for me .   Recall those items:  trump as the "Big Bad Wolf" ; trump as the Pied Piper ;   trump as "Humpty Dump-ty".   {{{Only Lewis Carroll is Lewis Carroll ... .}}}   I used Children's Literature because in the initial stages of child development, bedtime stories [myths, fables, tales] supply a modest Orientation to the Values Society imposes on its Children .   I LOVE these stories, even though my mother and father did NOT read to me .   However it wasn't until I took Dr. Butler's "Kiddie Lit" Course that Kiddie Lit revealed itself to be of MONUMENTAL Import .   Later, when I "took on" Jung and Campbell, the REAL Power of Children's Lit was unleashed .   Here it is were images and content are the result of UNCONSCIOUS `Energies`, specifically, those of Jung's "Collective Unconscious" . the Evidence of PRIMAL Instinctuality*, that is, Instincts expressed by words and sentences .   With regard to morals and mores, this 'this' MAY be misconstrued, since because Primal Man had no morals nor mores what need would he have to devise them ?   Here it is where Instinct rules, the uneducated and mys-developed* are victims of a seemingly HEARTLESS Universe whose ultimate endeavor is to impose "Mass Entropy" upon its children .  "...and there was a pall throughout the land... ."  

"Crusty the Clown" for PRESIDENT

                              Bush the Stupid once boasted, "I'm proof that a "C-" student can become President."  I shyte you not .  This THIS is what troubles me, the MYTH that "Anyone can become President" .   Democracy FLAUNTS this 'adage' as if by expressing this imbecilic notion it then can [somehow] reinforce Democratic Idealism .   >trump< is what happened when this Myth got actualized .   There is no one to make amends here ;  no one to apologize for imbecilic [delusional] fantasy .   Here it is where The Truth got supplanted by ROMANTIC `indulgence` --- the rat-shit that "All men are created Equal" manifested by[with] this Myth as an Effort to benchmark Equality as cornerstone to American Civilization.   Look at what has transpired >>>  Civil War .

"The Pain comes in waves... ."

                             It's hard for me to believe I can't write about the upcoming Election .   I don't think I've exhausted all that MUST be said, and yet ............. .  

              The Mind can feel Pain only to a point, and then it doesn't .   I've likened this to the 'overload' that an electrical motor experiences {poor choice} when it's design parameters have been exceeded, it turns itself off  in order to prevent "burn-out" .   Until  the  motor  cools,  pressing the "Reset" button  does nothing .  {Presently}  I'm on the "Off" position, waiting for my {{tiny monkey}} brain to Cool .  {{{I'm with Jagger, "I'm a Monkey Man"... .}}} . 

               For all intents and purposes, Harris is the "Blue Plate Special", a "Dish" that is not only inviting but once ingested, satisfying "as all Hell" {a ridiculous simile}.   OBVIOUSLY, trump is the exact OPPOSITE, a mis-scalpel-ed* blow-fish that presents itself as EXTREMELY delicious, but woe onto those that partake .   (((Trump as blow-fish, I like that . )))

                What is mindbendingly* horrific is that HALF  a NATION has devoted themselves to his LETHAL Toxicity .   Knowing the "Why" of that Dys-Ease* does NOTHING to generate ANY form of capital R Relief .    

                "And so they suffered, and they suffered greatly."


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

"Stone-Cold Fever"

                             ANY clear thinking moron will wonder WHY the Force of Evolution is ALWAYS 'Toward Perfection'--- I am such an one .   CLEARLY it would make NO SENSE WHATSOEVER if Evolution was NOT 'Toward Perfection' --- since anything else would be "Helter-Skelter", Random, and twice-over Chaotic .  We >>> KNOW <<<  that the Universe does   NOT    "Work that way" .  

             Know this :  Karma is a FORCE, and I must now insist, {because of the "Arrival"} that Karma somehow SHARES the Force through which Evolution is manifested .  Indeed, it MAY be that BOTH Evolution and Karma are themselves Manifestations of the "Tao", {the Universe's Will} . 



"...turned to Stone..."

                              Besides the physical relief, Marijuana as pain reducer, there is a mental 'factor-of-enjoyment' that Music asserts during these tasks-as-Rituals, indeed, when a SUPER-good song is playing I indulge myself with seated reception, it feels good to Feel Good . 

                During one such "break" {break in continuity} this arrived :  `The Force of Karma is the SAME Force as that of Evolution` .   Hmmm,  ( ~~~~~~~~ ) I settled into Chairy-Chair to mull that one over .

                For some time I have been inclined to write   > 'About Karma' <   but this Topic presents MAJOR Difficulties in that Karma has NOT been introduced properly, the proof of which is the generally accepted Notion that Karma is some sort of Cosmic Punishment .  It isn't .   



Heart Of Stoned

                             It's getting increasingly difficult to sit here and put stuff up from the keyboard and onto this screen .   I mean, it aint the sitting, it's the getting off the chair and trying to walk without falling over--such is the condition of both knees .   It takes almost half an hour to walk and relieve the tension in my legs--what remains of them .   

              Yesterday I went to get a tape measure, my Stanley 25 foot "Fat Max", I was stunned to feel its weight, which felt like 2 and a half pounds -- a tiny shot put made of pure lead .   It wuz-gonna be "one of those days" .   I heard my neighbor's voice, "When you finally get all the tools you need, most of them are too heavy to use ."   He's 76 .   Two words, TRUTH .  Old age sucks and then you can't use the tools you need .

               I looked around~~~ EVERYTHING seemed 'rwong' *  I felt weak, sick, and DE-sent-i-vised* ---I could barely move .   I made it to the front yard and decided to SIT and work-on the borders ---EZ PZ for what it's worth ,  I got the tools and carpets I needed but then I just left them .   

               Instead I decided to work in the shower/toilet room which had taken on the optics of the Oklahoma Land-Fill Reservation .  There, I could sit and listen to Music while performing the various cleaning and clearing Rituals the Conditions demanded .  

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Hang glider

                             In the ancient of "Olden Days" we wood refer to one another as "burnt out", "toasted", "roasted", and my personal fav, "crispy critter" .   I'm 'there' on all of them, except for those where I am not .   

              Some time ago a re-read Hesse's The Steppenwolf  which has come to be some-sort* of Manual for middle-aged liberal-minded gentlemen who have a steadfast predilection for German Philosophy and Literature .   I mean, there were Problems but there are ALWAYS Problems when Analysis activates Penetration .   I wondered what happened AFTER Hermine warned Harry Haller [HH = Herman Hesse HH} that his Life COULD be transformed if he were willing to risk the Present for a Better {Greater} Future .    Hesse did NOT write a sequel ---probably for good reason .   

              Still, he left us hangin


"NO You Turns"

                              I'm old now .   EVERYTHING is not just 'a little' harder it is MUCH Harder, hence my direct inability to devise tropes to use as nu* Symbols not just for items but for thought-patterns as well .   Here it is where words are used to represent Ideas and the PROCESS of >> Thinking<< the Thinking of Common Sense and Higher Order Reasoning {in my Case  HY-er Order Reasoning .   Here it is where "The Old" is now, (most) frequently,, OBSOLETE .    I am now OB-SO-LETE !

...never had it, never will...

                             I'll steal from Paul Simon :  >"slip-slidin' away" <  to describe my 'writer's remorse'--- my lack of self-motivation, my inability to focus on what's Real, and my dour cynicism {is there any other kind ?} that itself reeks of a V---A---S---T  Lethargy that borders on contemptuous seethe .    

              The initial 'flush-blush' of Harris's 'Anointment' has all but evaporated as the REAL Conditions of the 2nd Civil War manifest themselves within the "DEAD EVEN" polls .   I struggle with her demonstrations of "Now there's Joy, Now there's Hope" {catholic} vendetta .   The "Joy"and "Hope" capstans are rigorously employed to raise the Anchor of American Will which is now embedded in a full-blown WAR to Move America either Backward or Forward .   Can she and hers raise that Anchor which would then allow for Movement toward Modernity (?) --- the Question of the Century ... .

Grandma Moses

                         It's fucked-up that I will NOT `feel`  `ok` until  [unless] I put something up onto this screen .   Thing is I have nothing planned except to wallow in self-pity and woe-is-me fantasia .   It's PATHETIC -- of THAT I am well aware .

             Moses started "painting in earnest" when she was 78 !   I figured I had her beat if I began `writing` "in earnest" at 72 .   I figured I had a library of info all stored and ready to go ~~~  come to find out it's nothing more than an open cesspool of helter-skelter riff-raff only somewhat important to me .   "Go figure" .

              I sure wood* like to blame Someone Else for my own intellectual depravity and artist malfeasance ----sadly I cannot .   


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Miss Pronunciation-- The Pugilist

                             She did it .   There  was nervousness in her Voice, you cood* hear the crackle of Concern ,, crackle not quiver --- an excess of Adrenalin surely the cause .    She glided over to him and offered her hand while stating her name for him to hear {"Straight from the horses mouth"} .   I cood see "Stature"---  Personal Dignity and Integrity in her "Carriage" ~~~  not kwite* "Hollywood Glam" but so close ---EVER so close ... .   Trump walked in BLATANTLY un-sure , and he was clearly knocked backward by her Forward >>> `Ness` <<< .   Harris, in the other corner, was COCK-SURE .  {To have IT all, and KNOW, that you have IT all} .   She was "In it, to Win it"  but THAT wasn't all, she was-gonna make him Pay .   



Tuesday, September 10, 2024

"Stand and Deliver"

                             I want 'it' to be a "Street Fight" a "no holds barred" frenzy in which Harris literally "brains" trump ---thing is, does Harris have "The Right Stuff" ?   Can she "take a hit" and then counter ?   Can she 'go' 7th Grade and deal with the "rude and crude" that billboards* trump's Depravity ?   

               Commercial pundits and the others expect her to present her Policies, which are manifestations of her Values,, DEMOCRATIC Values,,, that she may (in the process) supply the gawkers* and onlookers with PROOF of her Street Skills and Street Smarts which are NOT required for National Governance but which ARE Required if us Common Folks are to believe that she CAN "handle herself" in the most Awk-Weird* Conditions .   If she CAN'T "handle" trump how is she the to handle Putin and Xi [????] not to mention the Dung Eater of North Korea ?????????    


Bare Knuckles Broad

                              It's here .   We've been waiting in Expectation since forever .   Will she, won't she ?

                     Can she 'go' "bare knuckles" ?    Can she go "toe-to-toe" ?   Can she go Lady MacBeth (?)  =  "Unsex me here" .   We're gonna find out .

                      I'm lookin' for a BLOODLUST Vengeance that looks like trump's brains splattered on the stage floor ---that full body full mind BEAT-D



                                                                                   N    that ends with trump gnashing his teeth and renting his garments and has his seconds and thirds wailing in defeat .   I want That ... .

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Wagging the Tale

                              It's  no  longer  EZ  to  get  words  up  and  unto this screen , obviously the Effect of Old Age .   It's tuff to take .   Some time ago I figured I cood* connect* Aesop to Modern Day Psycholics* in an Effort to somehow restore his "lessons" to Present Day Story-telling, Folktale-ing* and of course Fable-ing* .   What I thought to be a "Salvage Operation" 'turned-out' to be an exercise in Patience ---  I have yet to find the proper social context with which to insert Aesop's Wisdom .   Aesop's use of anthropomorphism, which was {and perhaps always has been} acceptable as Technique, now appears UN-acceptable .   Re-writing his Fables and Tales to maintain [his] use of Anthropomorphism is MORE-THAN any mere Challenge , despite TV's cartoons .   Plus, much to my dismay {concern} , his "Lessons" do NOT conform to the context in which they are supplied .   I WANT to blame Translation, but THAT is an "EZ way out" {of the bind} .   I have always considered Stories, Tales and Fables as "in my Wheel House" so you can see the Problem --- I'm glad YOU can cuz* I haven't a clue.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Ya gotta wanna

                              Is Harris gonna-be a Reformer ?    Does she have the have the Inner Capacity to Change ????   Has the Cry for Relief supplanted Reason and  Pragmatics* ???   The problem with Optimism is that it sure sounds like Propaganda--in that Sense Harris is no different than Biden and even trump for that matter, since Idealization of ANYTHING makes that ANYTHING desirable at the cost of Reality itself .   Reality MUST-BE   [[[[Suspended]]]]    if Optimism is to be {I love this} `Optimized` .

               Is Optimism equal-to the Truth ?   No, it is NOT .   Optimism's Essence is that of Energy, folks FEEL "Good",  it is Energy that makes it so .    

               I can read your Minds, "So what about the Reformation?"  Is she, IN REALITY, a Reformer , is the Democratic Party capable of Reforming, I hazard, No it it NOT .  I mean, it WANTS-TA* be....... .



Cloak and Blather

                              You can see the Problem rite ?   ---a Future based upon a Legendary Past, which to me is none-other than the Status Quo .   Harris may suffer from Romantic Idealism, the dimwitted Perfection of Democratic Principles 'gone the way of' Cloak and Blather .   The GRAVITY of the Status Quo, LITERALLY, got Us into this shithole to begin with, now they want us to Return  ????   "Uhhhhh Houston? We have a Problem" .   

Now and When

                              It aint just 'that'.  I haven't been "right" since the War began in Ukraine---now there's the War in Israel---Suffering has become Infinite .

              My heart sank when Harris and hers began the romance of The Marriage Between Now and When ----  Propaganda at its absolute BEST .    

              In my Realm the BIGGEST drawback to Harris is the one of lawyership* .    Lawyers have PROVEN they are INCAPABLE of Managing even the smallest task, so now here's Harris claiming she can 'run' the Country as if and as tho She will be DIFFERENT .   I mean it this way, "I WANT TO BELIEVE" --in the same way that "Mulder" in "The X Files" wanted to believe---- .   

              BUT ................. !

Woe Woe Woe your gloat

                              2 months before November... hard to believe .......even harder,,,, the concrete* of some sorta 'Doomsday Cataclysm' =  Fascism versus Democracy "Winner Take All" .............. .  

              Where is Mitt Romney ???   Where are the Generals who worked FOR trump ?    Why aren't they OPENLY declaring Harris to be the   ONLY   Choice ???

               I'm old---when Obama ran I wasn't, when Clinton ran I wasn't,,, but now Harris is running and I'm outta* gas .   THAT'S some of the Reason these folks are "shying away" from Election Battles,,, to fucking old(e) . Before--when I had legs--I figured that a GIANT Human Stampede would cull the herd in such a way that the strongest, fittest and SMARTEST would advance while the slow, hobbled and crippled would be "left behind" --------OBVIOUSLY I favored the Human Stampede bc I would survive it ----------but now ...................................................... .   Not only do I have Issues, I'm religiously Pathetic .    Woe is me .

           But I digress ........... .    



                              I'm stuck in `down here` ~~~  I'm doing laundry = work jeans soiled-by-hydraulic-jack oil, sweat, dirt, dist and cosmic phlegm .   Despite KNOWING we are "In Transition" I allow myself to wallow in blissful misery = the relief from the strangle hold of heat and suffocating humidity but the inevitability of Arctic Brutality .   I have donned winter work socks to ward off sub-zero floor temps ~~~I have issues................. .

               I've been working on Mars after a brief sleep-over on the Dark Side of the Moon .   Here it is where Suffering SEEMS to be Impossible when you are immersed in "Work Is Love Made Visible" .

               Each day past, I tried to begin actual Movement ... .   The last of the boulders and boulder eggs* on the Southern-most boundary which I have tagged `The South-facing Clusterfuck` =  boulders simply dumped without Plan or positive Intention--- all need to be extracted and re-positioned in order to produce an aesthetic that neutralizes Chaos and uncovers Stone Magnitude* .  

               Plus, I've been running from Election........................................... .