Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Woe Woe Woe your gloat

                              2 months before November... hard to believe .......even harder,,,, the concrete* of some sorta 'Doomsday Cataclysm' =  Fascism versus Democracy "Winner Take All" .............. .  

              Where is Mitt Romney ???   Where are the Generals who worked FOR trump ?    Why aren't they OPENLY declaring Harris to be the   ONLY   Choice ???

               I'm old---when Obama ran I wasn't, when Clinton ran I wasn't,,, but now Harris is running and I'm outta* gas .   THAT'S some of the Reason these folks are "shying away" from Election Battles,,, to fucking old(e) . Before--when I had legs--I figured that a GIANT Human Stampede would cull the herd in such a way that the strongest, fittest and SMARTEST would advance while the slow, hobbled and crippled would be "left behind" --------OBVIOUSLY I favored the Human Stampede bc I would survive it ----------but now ...................................................... .   Not only do I have Issues, I'm religiously Pathetic .    Woe is me .

           But I digress ........... .    


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