Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Miss Pronunciation-- The Pugilist

                             She did it .   There  was nervousness in her Voice, you cood* hear the crackle of Concern ,, crackle not quiver --- an excess of Adrenalin surely the cause .    She glided over to him and offered her hand while stating her name for him to hear {"Straight from the horses mouth"} .   I cood see "Stature"---  Personal Dignity and Integrity in her "Carriage" ~~~  not kwite* "Hollywood Glam" but so close ---EVER so close ... .   Trump walked in BLATANTLY un-sure , and he was clearly knocked backward by her Forward >>> `Ness` <<< .   Harris, in the other corner, was COCK-SURE .  {To have IT all, and KNOW, that you have IT all} .   She was "In it, to Win it"  but THAT wasn't all, she was-gonna make him Pay .   



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