Saturday, September 21, 2024

...never had it, never will...

                             I'll steal from Paul Simon :  >"slip-slidin' away" <  to describe my 'writer's remorse'--- my lack of self-motivation, my inability to focus on what's Real, and my dour cynicism {is there any other kind ?} that itself reeks of a V---A---S---T  Lethargy that borders on contemptuous seethe .    

              The initial 'flush-blush' of Harris's 'Anointment' has all but evaporated as the REAL Conditions of the 2nd Civil War manifest themselves within the "DEAD EVEN" polls .   I struggle with her demonstrations of "Now there's Joy, Now there's Hope" {catholic} vendetta .   The "Joy"and "Hope" capstans are rigorously employed to raise the Anchor of American Will which is now embedded in a full-blown WAR to Move America either Backward or Forward .   Can she and hers raise that Anchor which would then allow for Movement toward Modernity (?) --- the Question of the Century ... .

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