Thursday, September 26, 2024

"The Pain comes in waves... ."

                             It's hard for me to believe I can't write about the upcoming Election .   I don't think I've exhausted all that MUST be said, and yet ............. .  

              The Mind can feel Pain only to a point, and then it doesn't .   I've likened this to the 'overload' that an electrical motor experiences {poor choice} when it's design parameters have been exceeded, it turns itself off  in order to prevent "burn-out" .   Until  the  motor  cools,  pressing the "Reset" button  does nothing .  {Presently}  I'm on the "Off" position, waiting for my {{tiny monkey}} brain to Cool .  {{{I'm with Jagger, "I'm a Monkey Man"... .}}} . 

               For all intents and purposes, Harris is the "Blue Plate Special", a "Dish" that is not only inviting but once ingested, satisfying "as all Hell" {a ridiculous simile}.   OBVIOUSLY, trump is the exact OPPOSITE, a mis-scalpel-ed* blow-fish that presents itself as EXTREMELY delicious, but woe onto those that partake .   (((Trump as blow-fish, I like that . )))

                What is mindbendingly* horrific is that HALF  a NATION has devoted themselves to his LETHAL Toxicity .   Knowing the "Why" of that Dys-Ease* does NOTHING to generate ANY form of capital R Relief .    

                "And so they suffered, and they suffered greatly."


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