Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Perfumes Past


There are no answers for unasked questions.  

Democraps continue to try and 'breathe life' into a Democracy on 'Life Support'-depleted from ex-sanguinity, comatose from suffocation, and wraith-like from starvation.  Instead of applying Treatment for what She needs NOW the craps sit in bucolic distillation wafting fragrances of Her Perfumes Past.  

In the distance                                                                    Jungle Drumming.

Rock Steady........Steady as she goes..

Orck Stady........


 The American Democraps have assiduously decried the republiKKKan Dismissal of Objective Reality :: the so-called Failure to adhere to the Laws of Human-Kind and the Political Physics of Psychological Reckoning.  Yet it is the democraps who ABJECTLY REFUSE to even CONSIDER that the republiKKKans are in a LIFE-OR-DEATH WAR to Sterilize Democracy thereby rendering Her IMPOTENT, and that  it is the democraps who MUST Defend Her Honor with VIOLENT Confrontation.  This Failure to CORRECTLY Identify  the Enemy as The ENEMY is nothing-less than WHOLESALE Forfeiture of INTELLIGENT Observation.  Here it is where EXTREME Cowardice manifests as 
"Let's Look Beyond", (which is) their Deluded Effort to Issue  >Hope<  as GUARANTOR of Peace, Prosperity and Penance-Free Well-Fair.  

"Hello Pot---Hello Kettle"

Feast of Burden

 For me, `it` is savagely Infuriating to witness the democ-rats stubbornly insist upon a bi-lateral Commission that would Investigate Jan-6.  ANY Farm-Boy who knows ANYTHING >>Knows<< the Abject STUPIDITY of "Closing the barn doors" AFTER the Animals have fled.  Here it is where the rats are OBSESSING over WHO opened the doors to begin with, while the Horses, Cows and Goats are RAVAGING freshly planted fields.  Here it is where ALL Efforts SHOULD-BE directed to CAPTURING the Escapee's thereby PREVENTING even MORE Damage to Crops and Fecund Acres.  Yet the demo-craps stand idle, as-if made Inert, by feelings of Injustice, as though THEY are VICTIMS.  It is THEY who are unable to FULLY Apprehend the SELF-REALIZATION that it was THEY who left the Doors UNATTENDED and subsequently discharge the 'passive voice' to escape scrutiny and criticism by psalm-ing, "The barn doors should't have been un-locked."  

In the Fields the Beasts of Burdens Feast.

The Relentless Beat of the Doldrums

 I wonder if watching America Disintegrate in Full Public View has caused a Clinical Despondency that is characterized by Sullen Withdrawal.  I'm Certain that the feelings of Helplessness are Amplified by Cynical Bewilderment.  Folks that are SUPPOSE-TO-BE skilled Political Scientists seem to exist in a VOID where Common Sense and Urgency are dis-valued as UN-Necessary and as such, trivialized as Un-warranted Concerns.  There exists wide-spread if not Rampant DIS-REGARD of the Neo-Confederate and Neo-NAZI > PLAGUE <  that is consuming republican-held Legislatures in some FORTY-SEVEN States.  Democrats have displayed only Gutless COWARDICE with regard and (dis)respect for Constitutional Fealty, choosing instead an Acquiescence dependent upon a Hope of Future Resolve, the one where Elections will be the Cure of the Political Leprosy currently afflicting the Public Brain-as-Trust.  I don't get it, or worse, maybe I do.

Steve'z Jobz


The Garden is `in`, Mother Nature's Timepiece on Display in Time to meet the Memorial Day Deadline.  All that remains is to hang a Sign my Neighbor Art-ed.  I didn't write all week, choosing instead to intensify outdoor efforts, I work best under Pressure~~~~~~~~~I'm not satisfied until every muscle is swollen, every ligament stretched, every tendon strung.  I confess, running away from Commentary Obligations and Analysis Duties felt                                   terrific.  When I finished yesterday I heard one of my Voices, "I've changed".  I rolled the wheel-barrow, (filled with tools I was too tired to store in their nest locations), into the Scaffolding Cave, if nothing else, they would not be dampened by morning dew.  I wondered why I hadn't done that before.......... .  This morning, at 2:20, I awoke from  a dream in which I was at University, I was shirking Academic Responsibilities by admiring the Art around Campus as I told my Self, `I MUST get to class, to at least 'check in',  I mean, Schoolwork was my JOB.  So now, here I am.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Form is Karma, Emptiness is Karma

 First Degree Black Belt is 'all about' "Form Is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form".  It isn't until 2nd Dan that the Concept of Karma gets introduced as Influencing your Daily Practice.  However, it MAY help you Kidz to at least get a Visual, so---   Karma is 'Cause' and 'Effect'.  The Essence >  Good Karma >> Happiness----------   Bad Karma >> Suffering.  Be advised ==  "Everything appears through Karma, everything disappears through Karma."  When Shit happens to you and sends you either into Euphoria or tailspins you to Misery --- that SHIT ihz Karma.

I gotta leave this here--at least for Now.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

Milk of Amnesia

 Good, honest,, and decent Folks are flummoxed by the Continued Lethal Violence perpetrated upon INNOCENT American CITI-ZENS in the Same Way as Most Americans are bewildered by Congressional REFUSAL to mandate COMMON SENSE Gun Laws.  `Things` happen over and over and over   again, As If   IGNORANCE  can be applied as Milk of Amnesia along with Time-as-Duration in order to secure IMMOVABILITY for Status Quo Governmental Quandry.  Make NO Mistake ---  these Acts of Violence are MANIFESTATIONS of Karma, a Karma which 'acts' as cell phone messages that assert NON-STOP Relentlessness UNTIL the Message is accepted.  You can shut your cell DOWN and HIDE it as I do, but the Message is broadcast into Perpetuity, REGARDLESS of your and my Desire to be FREE from Negative Information and Difficult Communications.  Here it is where you MUST Accept the Message if you TRULY want to be Free of its INFINITE Assertion.

"In God We Bloodlust"

Like it or not, READY or not, for Better AND for Worse, the Execution of the (Modern) Fugitive Slave Act by savage ANIMALS    MUST    be considered as Acts of KARMA.  Here now, the Ancient of Washingtonism, the one where Love of a man >> DESPITE his Slave Owning Mentality <<<   is a Karma which has Manifested itself as PATRIOTIC FUNDAMENTALISM exhibited by WHITE Supremacists, red neckians, conservatives, the Lunatic Army and evangelical psychotic hellions.   Be advised  >  THERE IS NO ESCAPE FROM MERITED KARMA.  

The  Bless-ed Realm of  Religious Freedom was OBLITERATED by the European Onslaught of Territorial Expansion by dint of GENOCIDE.  Europeans brought their KARMA to America where it was used to VIOLATE the Sanctity of The Native Indigenous.  

Woe unto those that SLAUGHTER in the Name of Jesus Christ and "Manifest Destiny".

"Hungry, Eat --- Thirsty, Drink".

 No `Zen Republic` iz-gonna Exist without a Wholesale Apprehension of Karma.  The Best Elucidation of Karma that I have encountered is in the 2nd Half of  Practicing the Path -- A Commentary on the Lamrin Chenmo by Yangsi Rinpoche.  It is exceedingly Technical but NOT Excessively Technical.  It is UN-NECESSARY for All to wade through Its Knee Deep Ocean of Tibetan Buddhist Ontology.  Were I to provided the Volumes that I would use as Intellectual-Spiritual Foundation for the Zen Republic I would NEED this Volume as Recommended Resource.  For the Essence of the American Zen Republic, however, All that is Required is to have Familiarity with these Two ==  "I draw water, I carry wood" and "Hungry Eat, Thirsty Drink."  Here, the Common Sense of Daily Existence can manufacture an Americanism that can Function for EVERY Citizen, simply because Being Human IS the Shared Commonality of Planetary Mentality.  Here, the INDUSTRIES of Production, those that Feed, Water, Electrify, Heat and House Global Citizens should be considered as COMMUNAL Operations, designed to Benefit ALL.

The Bucolic Plague

 Elsewhere I used a Metaphor to propose a Viewpoint  I felt would aid in the Apprehension of the Status Quo Acceptance of Modern Racism.  I used the Catholic Catechism and its "Original Sin" to represent a SUBLIMINAL (Sub-Conscious) Bond to an Americanism that somehow subverted Truth by relegating it to a Distant, almost Invisible, Background, that can be left UN-Explored because of said Distance.  The Catholics would have us Believe that we are BORN INTO 'Original Sin'.  I used this This to describe American Citizens as being BORN INTO Ongoing Institutional Slavery.  Its fucked-uP because we are NOT `Born Into` a Puritan Realm of Religious Freedom, the One in which the First Step was onto a Shore and Land where Purity, Devotion and Resolve, could Flourish as Universal VIRTUES.  Instead, Washington's America, is Valued as THE "Promised Land" -- the One in which Slavery Capitalism DOMINATED the Socio-Economic (Infra) Structure as NATURAL, BUCOLIC,, and PRISTINE.

The Future IS The Past


Every single time an American Black Citizen gets summarily Executed in the Streets and Gutters of Everywhere, U.S.A. it is due to the overarching --All Enveloping -- Aspect of the "Fugitive Slave Act".  This Act gives Life or Death Warrant to ALL cops, who, acting as the Agents of Plantation Owners, deliver "Justice" to INNOCENT American Citizens who DARE to reside among (W)hites as Human Equals.  Lethal Punishment is the ONLY Option for cops whose own Racial Bigotry is given Status Quo Authorization, an Authorization that is Defined by GUARANTEED Protection from Societal Outrage and Demands for Federal Investigations.  Plantation Owners DEMAND that Each and EVERY "Runaway Slave" MUST be MERCILESSLY SLAUGHTERED so that Others Understand that Slavery is NOW and FOREVER.  

Sunday, May 16, 2021

"The Vamp of Savanah"


I gotta "git to gittin" so this will be my last Confession--at least for THIS day.  

I'm PROUD of my Madness.  I know I shouldn't be. Besides Sword, a DEVASTATINGLY Superior Intellect,, and  UNMITIGATED Self-Loathing,,, I SHOULD-HAVE No Reason to Feel said Pride.  I can't help it.  I live in Multiple Dimensions, Different WORLDS, sometimes SIMULTANEOUSLY.   I offend my Self on a suspiciously Routine Manner bc of the Diaphanous Extreme of Quasi-Astral Dis-Corporeality and a Consciousness somehow shackled to The Earthly Mutual Interpenetration of ALL Phenomena.  This is where "I gotta be mee" has the Invisible Drama of "I am AND I am NOT".  

Life sucks then U look in a mirror to see Nothing.  Here it is where  "I can't face the Truth" somehow becomes Vampiric bc of the DEADLY Quality of TRUTH.  

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

The Creamy Way

 I must Confess that it BOTHERS mee that I'm NOT Considered   The   Greatest   Zen   Sword's Man THINKER in ALL the Known Galaxies and NOT just the Milky Way---------after all have I not Conjured the `CREAMY Way` to supplant the Milky Way which will FOREVER be Confused with the Milk of MAGNESIA Way?  It's NOT my Fault that the Galactic SUPER-Brains were radically REPULSED by such a profoundly LURID Depiction.      I  just-gotta  be meee.

Thing is, IF I am so fucking  SMOT   THEN Why can't I FigureOut a Strategy to Present the Naked Truth to republicans, conservatives, the red-neck Army, the Lunatic Binje and evangelical IdolaTrea-sonists.  Must I therefore Compel myself to to Behold The Naked Truth in ALL Her Ample-Bosom Rawkishness ?  for krissakes I mite go fucking BLIND.   I can't do it.   No Way   No CREAMY Way    no fucking HOW.

I mite be Ignorent but Im NOT dum.


Beautiful Deemer

 Almost ALL of Us have heard that Truth can be Naked, it is oft' spoken of as "The NAKED Truth" which IMPLIES a PHYSICAL Presence.  Indeed, we can apply MacLuhan PUNditure and DeSilva-esgue `Innovation` by mis-spelling Fact as PHACT thereby enabling Us to Sensualize Fact as something PHYSICAL and therefore UNDENIABLE.  But here too, HA LF of America, correctly mis-spelled as AmeriKKKa, steadfastly REFUSES to Acknowledge the Presence of Naked Truth DESPITE Her `Activity` as Goddess / Warrior of Science.  The TRUTH of Scientific FACT has Produced the Inoculate that has Punished, almost to Submission, the Plague Pandemic, at least Here among the Democracy Sangha of Truth-as-Dakini Veneration-Ists.  Here it is where the Naked Truth is Pure BEAUTY, A POWER to Behold, A MIRACLE of Cosmic Divinity.  Here it is where Life isn't JUST "good",  Here it is where Life is, check that, can be, INFINITELY BEAUTIFUL.  


 I MUST Confess of a Chronic DREAD that I will be UN-able to Discharge my Duties as set forth in and on my Degree and my Chogye Order Precepts.  Education as Idealized Abstract DEMANDS the Elucidation of TRUTH, yet ALL of Us are being CRUSHED by the Jaws of Socio-Political Vise-Grips of which Ignorance is both CRIMINAL and Phantasmagorically VICIOUS.  I have been Unable to Anthropomorphize Truth, MAINLY BC in Indian Folklore, the Dakini's Nakedness "Symbolizes Knowledge of Truth Unveiled".  I'm certain it would be  >>>>>>>  uncomfortable for many to read portrayals of Truth as a Naked Woman whom you GOTTA figure, is the PROMISE of Ultimate Fulfillment on Every Level and in Every Dimension INCLUDING the Earthly Realm of Governmental Authority.  

Still -------------------- it Remains that Truth in ALL Her Glory has been Demeaned, Devalued, Disgraced and Denigrated by UN-Civilized Sub-Human ANIMALS who deem her WITCH and SORCERESS, and who REPEATEDLY Violate her Sanctity with the UTMOST Disdain and Contempt As If and As Though their `efforts` could Vapoize Her Infinite Existence. 

X Pax

 `It` hasn't been JUST Mental Constipation---We are, at Present, living in, check that, TRYING to live in, an Atmosphere in which DEATH has been the ONLY >>>>>> Condition, a Condition that drains the Will, by causing Symptoms of Misery, Neglect, Doubt, Suspicion and Despondency --- ALL of Which `Terror-fry` those of Us who View the American Nation as Being in the Throes of the BIIIG Death, the Death of a Once-Proud Country where Democracy-as-Ideal was Founded upon the Granite, Steel and Concrete of Abstracted VIRTUE.  I, personally, have tried to sustain The Argument that the ONGOING 2nd Civil War is the result of ONE Man's Meteoric Rise to Planetary Power,  a `Rise` that simultaneously uncovered and RELEASED the Darkest, almost Primordial, Instincts of "Self-Preservation" the Instincts of FEAR---Instincts that include Fear of the Other, Fear of the Unknown, which itself DENIES a Future Dependent upon Truth, Egalitarian Justice and Universal Compassion.  

It hasn't been JUST One Man's Dark Reveal, no and FUCK NO,, his Dream has awakened an American Nightmare.



 Bless me People, it's been 15 and a  ha lf  Forevers since my last Confessions and what follows are my Sins.  

I've been experiencing what I thought was a Form of Mental Constipation.  Shit builds, and then I'm so FULL of Shit I can't move.  The Days have passed NOT as Day Pass, the eerie dreaming of Energy transformed into Material, the planting of Flowers, a Miracle in and of itself; but also the Dissipation of White Anger, the Anger that only the Realization of PROFOUND Insignificance which can render even True Men, as nothing more than Dispensers of an Ether, so Pure, it somehow becomes Toxic.  Truth will do `that`.  So, rather then cause even MORE Internal and External Combustion, I've turned to my Private Practice, that I may find suitable Crystals, with which to seed a more Pleasant and BREATHABLE Atmosphere----------that's Atmos-Sphere not Atmos-FEAR.

Yesterday the 1st Seed Crystal `appeared`.