Friday, May 21, 2021

The Bucolic Plague

 Elsewhere I used a Metaphor to propose a Viewpoint  I felt would aid in the Apprehension of the Status Quo Acceptance of Modern Racism.  I used the Catholic Catechism and its "Original Sin" to represent a SUBLIMINAL (Sub-Conscious) Bond to an Americanism that somehow subverted Truth by relegating it to a Distant, almost Invisible, Background, that can be left UN-Explored because of said Distance.  The Catholics would have us Believe that we are BORN INTO 'Original Sin'.  I used this This to describe American Citizens as being BORN INTO Ongoing Institutional Slavery.  Its fucked-uP because we are NOT `Born Into` a Puritan Realm of Religious Freedom, the One in which the First Step was onto a Shore and Land where Purity, Devotion and Resolve, could Flourish as Universal VIRTUES.  Instead, Washington's America, is Valued as THE "Promised Land" -- the One in which Slavery Capitalism DOMINATED the Socio-Economic (Infra) Structure as NATURAL, BUCOLIC,, and PRISTINE.

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