Sunday, May 16, 2021


 I MUST Confess of a Chronic DREAD that I will be UN-able to Discharge my Duties as set forth in and on my Degree and my Chogye Order Precepts.  Education as Idealized Abstract DEMANDS the Elucidation of TRUTH, yet ALL of Us are being CRUSHED by the Jaws of Socio-Political Vise-Grips of which Ignorance is both CRIMINAL and Phantasmagorically VICIOUS.  I have been Unable to Anthropomorphize Truth, MAINLY BC in Indian Folklore, the Dakini's Nakedness "Symbolizes Knowledge of Truth Unveiled".  I'm certain it would be  >>>>>>>  uncomfortable for many to read portrayals of Truth as a Naked Woman whom you GOTTA figure, is the PROMISE of Ultimate Fulfillment on Every Level and in Every Dimension INCLUDING the Earthly Realm of Governmental Authority.  

Still -------------------- it Remains that Truth in ALL Her Glory has been Demeaned, Devalued, Disgraced and Denigrated by UN-Civilized Sub-Human ANIMALS who deem her WITCH and SORCERESS, and who REPEATEDLY Violate her Sanctity with the UTMOST Disdain and Contempt As If and As Though their `efforts` could Vapoize Her Infinite Existence. 

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