Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Relentless Beat of the Doldrums

 I wonder if watching America Disintegrate in Full Public View has caused a Clinical Despondency that is characterized by Sullen Withdrawal.  I'm Certain that the feelings of Helplessness are Amplified by Cynical Bewilderment.  Folks that are SUPPOSE-TO-BE skilled Political Scientists seem to exist in a VOID where Common Sense and Urgency are dis-valued as UN-Necessary and as such, trivialized as Un-warranted Concerns.  There exists wide-spread if not Rampant DIS-REGARD of the Neo-Confederate and Neo-NAZI > PLAGUE <  that is consuming republican-held Legislatures in some FORTY-SEVEN States.  Democrats have displayed only Gutless COWARDICE with regard and (dis)respect for Constitutional Fealty, choosing instead an Acquiescence dependent upon a Hope of Future Resolve, the one where Elections will be the Cure of the Political Leprosy currently afflicting the Public Brain-as-Trust.  I don't get it, or worse, maybe I do.

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