Friday, May 21, 2021

Milk of Amnesia

 Good, honest,, and decent Folks are flummoxed by the Continued Lethal Violence perpetrated upon INNOCENT American CITI-ZENS in the Same Way as Most Americans are bewildered by Congressional REFUSAL to mandate COMMON SENSE Gun Laws.  `Things` happen over and over and over   again, As If   IGNORANCE  can be applied as Milk of Amnesia along with Time-as-Duration in order to secure IMMOVABILITY for Status Quo Governmental Quandry.  Make NO Mistake ---  these Acts of Violence are MANIFESTATIONS of Karma, a Karma which 'acts' as cell phone messages that assert NON-STOP Relentlessness UNTIL the Message is accepted.  You can shut your cell DOWN and HIDE it as I do, but the Message is broadcast into Perpetuity, REGARDLESS of your and my Desire to be FREE from Negative Information and Difficult Communications.  Here it is where you MUST Accept the Message if you TRULY want to be Free of its INFINITE Assertion.

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