Friday, May 21, 2021

The Future IS The Past


Every single time an American Black Citizen gets summarily Executed in the Streets and Gutters of Everywhere, U.S.A. it is due to the overarching --All Enveloping -- Aspect of the "Fugitive Slave Act".  This Act gives Life or Death Warrant to ALL cops, who, acting as the Agents of Plantation Owners, deliver "Justice" to INNOCENT American Citizens who DARE to reside among (W)hites as Human Equals.  Lethal Punishment is the ONLY Option for cops whose own Racial Bigotry is given Status Quo Authorization, an Authorization that is Defined by GUARANTEED Protection from Societal Outrage and Demands for Federal Investigations.  Plantation Owners DEMAND that Each and EVERY "Runaway Slave" MUST be MERCILESSLY SLAUGHTERED so that Others Understand that Slavery is NOW and FOREVER.  

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