Friday, May 21, 2021

"Hungry, Eat --- Thirsty, Drink".

 No `Zen Republic` iz-gonna Exist without a Wholesale Apprehension of Karma.  The Best Elucidation of Karma that I have encountered is in the 2nd Half of  Practicing the Path -- A Commentary on the Lamrin Chenmo by Yangsi Rinpoche.  It is exceedingly Technical but NOT Excessively Technical.  It is UN-NECESSARY for All to wade through Its Knee Deep Ocean of Tibetan Buddhist Ontology.  Were I to provided the Volumes that I would use as Intellectual-Spiritual Foundation for the Zen Republic I would NEED this Volume as Recommended Resource.  For the Essence of the American Zen Republic, however, All that is Required is to have Familiarity with these Two ==  "I draw water, I carry wood" and "Hungry Eat, Thirsty Drink."  Here, the Common Sense of Daily Existence can manufacture an Americanism that can Function for EVERY Citizen, simply because Being Human IS the Shared Commonality of Planetary Mentality.  Here, the INDUSTRIES of Production, those that Feed, Water, Electrify, Heat and House Global Citizens should be considered as COMMUNAL Operations, designed to Benefit ALL.

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