Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Steve'z Jobz


The Garden is `in`, Mother Nature's Timepiece on Display in Time to meet the Memorial Day Deadline.  All that remains is to hang a Sign my Neighbor Art-ed.  I didn't write all week, choosing instead to intensify outdoor efforts, I work best under Pressure~~~~~~~~~I'm not satisfied until every muscle is swollen, every ligament stretched, every tendon strung.  I confess, running away from Commentary Obligations and Analysis Duties felt                                   terrific.  When I finished yesterday I heard one of my Voices, "I've changed".  I rolled the wheel-barrow, (filled with tools I was too tired to store in their nest locations), into the Scaffolding Cave, if nothing else, they would not be dampened by morning dew.  I wondered why I hadn't done that before.......... .  This morning, at 2:20, I awoke from  a dream in which I was at University, I was shirking Academic Responsibilities by admiring the Art around Campus as I told my Self, `I MUST get to class, to at least 'check in',  I mean, Schoolwork was my JOB.  So now, here I am.

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