Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Feast of Burden

 For me, `it` is savagely Infuriating to witness the democ-rats stubbornly insist upon a bi-lateral Commission that would Investigate Jan-6.  ANY Farm-Boy who knows ANYTHING >>Knows<< the Abject STUPIDITY of "Closing the barn doors" AFTER the Animals have fled.  Here it is where the rats are OBSESSING over WHO opened the doors to begin with, while the Horses, Cows and Goats are RAVAGING freshly planted fields.  Here it is where ALL Efforts SHOULD-BE directed to CAPTURING the Escapee's thereby PREVENTING even MORE Damage to Crops and Fecund Acres.  Yet the demo-craps stand idle, as-if made Inert, by feelings of Injustice, as though THEY are VICTIMS.  It is THEY who are unable to FULLY Apprehend the SELF-REALIZATION that it was THEY who left the Doors UNATTENDED and subsequently discharge the 'passive voice' to escape scrutiny and criticism by psalm-ing, "The barn doors should't have been un-locked."  

In the Fields the Beasts of Burdens Feast.

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