Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Creamy Way

 I must Confess that it BOTHERS mee that I'm NOT Considered   The   Greatest   Zen   Sword's Man THINKER in ALL the Known Galaxies and NOT just the Milky Way---------after all have I not Conjured the `CREAMY Way` to supplant the Milky Way which will FOREVER be Confused with the Milk of MAGNESIA Way?  It's NOT my Fault that the Galactic SUPER-Brains were radically REPULSED by such a profoundly LURID Depiction.      I  just-gotta  be meee.

Thing is, IF I am so fucking  SMOT   THEN Why can't I FigureOut a Strategy to Present the Naked Truth to republicans, conservatives, the red-neck Army, the Lunatic Binje and evangelical IdolaTrea-sonists.  Must I therefore Compel myself to to Behold The Naked Truth in ALL Her Ample-Bosom Rawkishness ?  for krissakes I mite go fucking BLIND.   I can't do it.   No Way   No CREAMY Way    no fucking HOW.

I mite be Ignorent but Im NOT dum.


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